: [url=http://i.imgur.com/52bodPv.jpg]Cody[/url]: -He wakes up with a yawn and slowly sits up-
: [url=http://www.drachennetz.com/cpic/4997/10798]Asriel[/url] [url=https://s29.postimg.org/r0mdys32v/IMG_1718.jpg]Dreemurr[/url]: -On goes the mask
: The Killswitch [] joined chat.
Female Asriel: She fell asleep on the floor
Hywel: -He got half way to the room before passing out.-
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/qYxvARE.png]Vengeful Deity's[/url] [url=https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda/images/2/28/Hyrule_Warriors_Mask_Vengeful_Deity_Mask_%28Level_3_Mask%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20160419192957]Mask[/url]: *You now have the powers
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] "Hey there."
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/qYxvARE.png]Vengeful Deity's[/url] [url=https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda/images/2/28/Hyrule_Warriors_Mask_Vengeful_Deity_Mask_%28Level_3_Mask%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20160419192957]Mask[/url]: Uhh testing one two three testing can more than this goat hear me.
: Sean: [color=#7d90cc]"Yea."[/color]
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/qYxvARE.png]Vengeful Deity's[/url] [url=https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda/images/2/28/Hyrule_Warriors_Mask_Vengeful_Deity_Mask_%28Level_3_Mask%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20160419192957]Mask[/url]: Sweet.
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/52bodPv.jpg]Cody[/url]: "Oh, h-hi"
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] He sips his drink.
: Frisky Whiskington [] joined chat.
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/qYxvARE.png]Vengeful Deity's[/url] [url=https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda/images/2/28/Hyrule_Warriors_Mask_Vengeful_Deity_Mask_%28Level_3_Mask%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20160419192957]Mask[/url]: Hey goat kid, you alright? How do you feel? I feel like a demon goat right now.
: [url=http://www.drachennetz.com/cpic/4997/10798]Asriel[/url] [url=https://s29.postimg.org/r0mdys32v/IMG_1718.jpg]Dreemurr[/url]: "Kid? I'm not a kid, but. I'm alright."
: ((Fuckboy Mask
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/qYxvARE.png]Vengeful Deity's[/url] [url=https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda/images/2/28/Hyrule_Warriors_Mask_Vengeful_Deity_Mask_%28Level_3_Mask%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20160419192957]Mask[/url]: Compared to me you're a baby.
: [url=http://www.drachennetz.com/cpic/4997/10798]Asriel[/url] [url=https://s29.postimg.org/r0mdys32v/IMG_1718.jpg]Dreemurr[/url]: -He raises the sword, taking a good look at it. He has to crouch to stand up.-
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/52bodPv.jpg]Cody[/url]: "W-Who are you?"
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] "I'm Alex."
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/qYxvARE.png]Vengeful Deity's[/url] [url=https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda/images/2/28/Hyrule_Warriors_Mask_Vengeful_Deity_Mask_%28Level_3_Mask%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20160419192957]Mask[/url]: *The sword looks a lot different than it used to.
: [url=http://www.drachennetz.com/cpic/4997/10798]Asriel[/url] [url=https://s29.postimg.org/r0mdys32v/IMG_1718.jpg]Dreemurr[/url]: "Huh."
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/qYxvARE.png]Vengeful Deity's[/url] [url=https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda/images/2/28/Hyrule_Warriors_Mask_Vengeful_Deity_Mask_%28Level_3_Mask%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20160419192957]Mask[/url]: Oooo. Fancy sword.
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/52bodPv.jpg]Cody[/url]: "Nice to m-meet you, I'm C-Cody"
: The Killswitch's connection timed out.
: [url=http://www.drachennetz.com/cpic/4997/10798]Asriel[/url] [url=https://s29.postimg.org/r0mdys32v/IMG_1718.jpg]Dreemurr[/url]: -He sits down.-
: nods, raising his drink.
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/qYxvARE.png]Vengeful Deity's[/url] [url=https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda/images/2/28/Hyrule_Warriors_Mask_Vengeful_Deity_Mask_%28Level_3_Mask%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20160419192957]Mask[/url]: *The sword floats out of Asriel's hand. It seems like the mask itself can control the sword... Also seems like the mask is talking out of the sword now.
: [url=http://www.drachennetz.com/cpic/4997/10798]Asriel[/url] [url=https://s29.postimg.org/r0mdys32v/IMG_1718.jpg]Dreemurr[/url]: "..."
: [url=http://www.drachennetz.com/cpic/4997/10798]Asriel[/url] [url=https://s29.postimg.org/r0mdys32v/IMG_1718.jpg]Dreemurr[/url]: "I prefer my sword anyways."
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/qYxvARE.png]Vengeful Deity's[/url] [url=https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda/images/2/28/Hyrule_Warriors_Mask_Vengeful_Deity_Mask_%28Level_3_Mask%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20160419192957]Mask[/url]: ...Awesome...
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/qYxvARE.png]Vengeful Deity's[/url] [url=https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda/images/2/28/Hyrule_Warriors_Mask_Vengeful_Deity_Mask_%28Level_3_Mask%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20160419192957]Mask[/url]: I can stab shit now. Hell yeah.
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/qYxvARE.png]Vengeful Deity's[/url] [url=https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda/images/2/28/Hyrule_Warriors_Mask_Vengeful_Deity_Mask_%28Level_3_Mask%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20160419192957]Mask[/url]: *It tries to fly away, but it seems to be stuck semi-close to the wearer.
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/qYxvARE.png]Vengeful Deity's[/url] [url=https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda/images/2/28/Hyrule_Warriors_Mask_Vengeful_Deity_Mask_%28Level_3_Mask%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20160419192957]Mask[/url]: . . .
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/52bodPv.jpg]Cody[/url]: -He goes up to the bar counter and orders a glass of water-
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/qYxvARE.png]Vengeful Deity's[/url] [url=https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda/images/2/28/Hyrule_Warriors_Mask_Vengeful_Deity_Mask_%28Level_3_Mask%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20160419192957]Mask[/url]: Shit.
: Socially-Inept Bread's connection timed out.
Grillby: "..."
: AquaBlue313 [Aqua] joined chat.
: Socially-Inept Bread [] joined chat.
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/52bodPv.jpg]Cody[/url]: "...."
Grillby: He puts on rubber gloves and gives the water.
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/52bodPv.jpg]Cody[/url]: "T-Thank you"
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/52bodPv.jpg]Cody[/url]: -sip-
: [url=http://www.drachennetz.com/cpic/4997/10798]Asriel[/url] [url=https://s29.postimg.org/r0mdys32v/IMG_1718.jpg]Dreemurr[/url]: "Don't stab things."
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/qYxvARE.png]Vengeful Deity's[/url] [url=https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda/images/2/28/Hyrule_Warriors_Mask_Vengeful_Deity_Mask_%28Level_3_Mask%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20160419192957]Mask[/url]: *It just kind of floats around Asriel
: [url=http://www.drachennetz.com/cpic/4997/10798]Asriel[/url] [url=https://s29.postimg.org/r0mdys32v/IMG_1718.jpg]Dreemurr[/url]: -He is staying put.-
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/qYxvARE.png]Vengeful Deity's[/url] [url=https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda/images/2/28/Hyrule_Warriors_Mask_Vengeful_Deity_Mask_%28Level_3_Mask%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20160419192957]Mask[/url]: Ehhh
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/qYxvARE.png]Vengeful Deity's[/url] [url=https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda/images/2/28/Hyrule_Warriors_Mask_Vengeful_Deity_Mask_%28Level_3_Mask%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20160419192957]Mask[/url]: *He tries to shoot lasers by swinging around. Seems like only the wielder can do this as well.
: CryingEevee524 [CryingEevee OOC] disconnected.
: [url=http://www.drachennetz.com/cpic/4997/10798]Asriel[/url] [url=https://s29.postimg.org/r0mdys32v/IMG_1718.jpg]Dreemurr[/url]: -He summons a Chaos Sabre. Unfortunately, it's the same size as normal, so it's more of a short sword.-
: [url=http://www.drachennetz.com/cpic/4997/10798]Asriel[/url] [url=https://s29.postimg.org/r0mdys32v/IMG_1718.jpg]Dreemurr[/url]: "..."
: [url=http://www.drachennetz.com/cpic/4997/10798]Asriel[/url] [url=https://s29.postimg.org/r0mdys32v/IMG_1718.jpg]Dreemurr[/url]: "Aww."
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/qYxvARE.png]Vengeful Deity's[/url] [url=https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda/images/2/28/Hyrule_Warriors_Mask_Vengeful_Deity_Mask_%28Level_3_Mask%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20160419192957]Mask[/url]: ...Uuuuuuussseeee meeeeeee...
: [url=http://www.drachennetz.com/cpic/4997/10798]Asriel[/url] [url=https://s29.postimg.org/r0mdys32v/IMG_1718.jpg]Dreemurr[/url]: "I don't want to stab anyone, though."
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/qYxvARE.png]Vengeful Deity's[/url] [url=https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda/images/2/28/Hyrule_Warriors_Mask_Vengeful_Deity_Mask_%28Level_3_Mask%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20160419192957]Mask[/url]: ...Doooooo sooooommmeeetthhhiiinngggg....
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/52bodPv.jpg]Cody[/url]: -He's sipping his water and staring off into space-
: Sean: [color=#7d90cc]"Does this count as abuse."[/color]
: [url=http://www.drachennetz.com/cpic/4997/10798]Asriel[/url] [url=https://s29.postimg.org/r0mdys32v/IMG_1718.jpg]Dreemurr[/url]: "What can I do?"
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/qYxvARE.png]Vengeful Deity's[/url] [url=https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda/images/2/28/Hyrule_Warriors_Mask_Vengeful_Deity_Mask_%28Level_3_Mask%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20160419192957]Mask[/url]: Fiiiggguuurreee iiiittt oooouuutttt.
: [url=http://www.drachennetz.com/cpic/4997/10798]Asriel[/url] [url=https://s29.postimg.org/r0mdys32v/IMG_1718.jpg]Dreemurr[/url]: "Why are you dragging out your speech?"
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/qYxvARE.png]Vengeful Deity's[/url] [url=https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda/images/2/28/Hyrule_Warriors_Mask_Vengeful_Deity_Mask_%28Level_3_Mask%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20160419192957]Mask[/url]: I dunno. Maybe I want to act like a ghost.
: Laharl/Entropy (Green Edition) [] joined chat.
: [url=http://www.drachennetz.com/cpic/4997/10798]Asriel[/url] [url=https://s29.postimg.org/r0mdys32v/IMG_1718.jpg]Dreemurr[/url]: -He sighs, and gets up, grabbing the helix sword. He then goes to squeeze his way out of the front door.-
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/qYxvARE.png]Vengeful Deity's[/url] [url=https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda/images/2/28/Hyrule_Warriors_Mask_Vengeful_Deity_Mask_%28Level_3_Mask%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20160419192957]Mask[/url]: I honestly don't know what you can do now.
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/qYxvARE.png]Vengeful Deity's[/url] [url=https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda/images/2/28/Hyrule_Warriors_Mask_Vengeful_Deity_Mask_%28Level_3_Mask%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20160419192957]Mask[/url]: yaaaayyy
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] "Bye!"
: [url=http://www.drachennetz.com/cpic/4997/10798]Asriel[/url] [url=https://s29.postimg.org/r0mdys32v/IMG_1718.jpg]Dreemurr[/url]: -He swings at a tree, from a distance.-
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/qYxvARE.png]Vengeful Deity's[/url] [url=https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda/images/2/28/Hyrule_Warriors_Mask_Vengeful_Deity_Mask_%28Level_3_Mask%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20160419192957]Mask[/url]: *Demon looking laser slices tree clean through.
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/qYxvARE.png]Vengeful Deity's[/url] [url=https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda/images/2/28/Hyrule_Warriors_Mask_Vengeful_Deity_Mask_%28Level_3_Mask%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20160419192957]Mask[/url]: Sweet.
: [url=http://www.drachennetz.com/cpic/4997/10798]Asriel[/url] [url=https://s29.postimg.org/r0mdys32v/IMG_1718.jpg]Dreemurr[/url]: "Hmm."
: [url=http://www.drachennetz.com/cpic/4997/10798]Asriel[/url] [url=https://s29.postimg.org/r0mdys32v/IMG_1718.jpg]Dreemurr[/url]: -He slashes vertically at a different tree.-
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/qYxvARE.png]Vengeful Deity's[/url] [url=https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda/images/2/28/Hyrule_Warriors_Mask_Vengeful_Deity_Mask_%28Level_3_Mask%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20160419192957]Mask[/url]: *The laser comes out, but it's still horizontal.
: AquaBlue313 [Aqua] disconnected.
: Frisky Whiskington's connection timed out.
: [url=http://www.drachennetz.com/cpic/4997/10798]Asriel[/url] [url=https://s29.postimg.org/r0mdys32v/IMG_1718.jpg]Dreemurr[/url]: "..."
: [url=http://www.drachennetz.com/cpic/4997/10798]Asriel[/url] [url=https://s29.postimg.org/r0mdys32v/IMG_1718.jpg]Dreemurr[/url]: "Well that's weird."
: Fellby's connection timed out.
: Socially-Inept Bread's connection timed out.
: Sig's connection timed out.
: Sean's connection timed out.
: Cody's connection timed out.
: Sig [Sig] joined chat.
: Obscure Hunter (ÚltIMa647)'s connection timed out.
: Laharl/Entropy (Green Edition)'s connection timed out.
: Socially-Inept Bread [] joined chat.
: Cody [] joined chat.
: Obscure Hunter (ÚltIMa647) [] joined chat.
: Sean [] joined chat.
: Bar!Chara's connection timed out.
: (parp)
: (PARP)
: Fellby's connection timed out.
: Socially-Inept Bread's connection timed out.
: Sig's connection timed out.
: Laharl/Entropy (Green Edition) [] joined chat.
: Obscure Hunter (ÚltIMa647)'s connection timed out.
: Sig [Sig] joined chat.
: Bar!Chara [Barchar] joined chat.
: Socially-Inept Bread [] joined chat.
: Fellby [] joined chat.
Sig: [[ What just happened ]]
: t
: Sig [Sig] disconnected.
: Obscure Hunter (ÚltIMa647) [] joined chat.
: t
: t
: Sean: [color=#7d90cc]test[/color]
: ((parp barped
: titenic
: Test
: (Parp?)
: (Only a very long delay)
: the bougiest of beatemups
: ((test
: Test
: Sean: [color=#7d90cc]test numero dos[/color]
: Test
: Sean: [color=#7d90cc]okay sweet[/color]
: 1
: Sean: [color=#7d90cc]parp is ok[/color]
: (Tap A quickly)
: 2
: 3
: (To not die as fat)
: ((Inb4 DDOS
: (everyone spam a)
: (test)
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/qYxvARE.png]Vengeful Deity's[/url] [url=https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda/images/2/28/Hyrule_Warriors_Mask_Vengeful_Deity_Mask_%28Level_3_Mask%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20160419192957]Mask[/url]: *shortcut test
: (too many tests)
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/mYFyM.jpg]Adaline[/url]: Shortcut
: [url=http://www.drachennetz.com/cpic/4997/10798]Asriel[/url] [url=https://s29.postimg.org/r0mdys32v/IMG_1718.jpg]Dreemurr[/url]: EEEEEEE
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/qYxvARE.png]Vengeful Deity's[/url] [url=https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda/images/2/28/Hyrule_Warriors_Mask_Vengeful_Deity_Mask_%28Level_3_Mask%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20160419192957]Mask[/url]: ...I blanked out for a sec, did something happen?
: The Killswitch [] joined chat.
: [url=http://www.drachennetz.com/cpic/4997/10798]Asriel[/url] [url=https://s29.postimg.org/r0mdys32v/IMG_1718.jpg]Dreemurr[/url]: "Nope."
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/qYxvARE.png]Vengeful Deity's[/url] [url=https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda/images/2/28/Hyrule_Warriors_Mask_Vengeful_Deity_Mask_%28Level_3_Mask%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20160419192957]Mask[/url]: Aight.
: Sean: [color=#7d90cc]hey slarv dd arc is start[/color]
: ((What of the servers actually had an attempted DDOS
: Sean: [color=#7d90cc]then owch[/color]
: Sean: [color=#7d90cc]He poofs out of existence.[/color]
: (what arc)
: Sean: [color=#7d90cc]dd[/color]
: Sean: [color=#7d90cc]dd is 10[/color]
: Sean: [color=#7d90cc]so it his arc[/color]
: (oh)
: AquaBlue313 [Aqua] joined chat.
: (i thought it was talking to both of them without commas)
: Sean: [color=#7d90cc]ohh okay[/color]
: The Killswitch's connection timed out.
: (so apparently it is possible to open certain doors with fierce deity in 3DS)
: (however the game crashes immeaditly when attempting to do so)
: The Killswitch [] joined chat.
: AquaBlue313 [Aqua] disconnected.
: (he is able to scale the wall in the laundry pool)
: (ah crud you can get stuck behind the grate in the laundry pool)
: (ih he gets jynxed he will still be able to use his sword)
: The Killswitch's connection timed out.
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] He hums to himself
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/qYxvARE.png]Vengeful Deity's[/url] [url=https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda/images/2/28/Hyrule_Warriors_Mask_Vengeful_Deity_Mask_%28Level_3_Mask%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20160419192957]Mask[/url]: *He is still with goat
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/qYxvARE.png]Vengeful Deity's[/url] [url=https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda/images/2/28/Hyrule_Warriors_Mask_Vengeful_Deity_Mask_%28Level_3_Mask%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20160419192957]Mask[/url]: Uhh...
: ((HC: fellby sounds like trent reznor
: (who's that)
: ((lead singer of nine inch nails
: ([s]and wouldn't headcanon's by the creator of the character be canon[/s])
: (never heard of 'em)
: (doesn't help that i'm not much of a music guy)
: The Killswitch [] joined chat.
: ((it's the group that did "i want to fuck you like an animal" song
: (... i've never heard the song (probably) and i'm not sure i want to)
: ((my god
: ((have we been freed from closer being on everyone's edgy sex playlist?
: (*shrug*)
: ((https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IC21hLGtuw this is a remix of a nin song
: Sean: [color=#7d90cc]what's closer[/color]
: ((https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ccY25Cb3im0 this is closer
: Sean: [color=#7d90cc]oh i like that song though[/color]
: Sean: [color=#7d90cc]i just don't ever pay attention to lyrics[/color]
: ((when i was a kid i was obsessed with the animorphs series and one of the books referenced nine inch nails so i always assumed it was a fictional band
: ((dude who wasn't obsessed with animorphs
: ((animorphs was good shit
: (what was animorphs)
Barchar: ((I have never read an animorphs book and know them only off their terrifying covers))
: ^
: ((Same
: ((the content of the books were terrifying as well
: ((I also knew of them
: ((it was my first exposure to war literature
: ((i remember being unable to sleep after reading the book where the girl performed high-risk brain surgery on an alien in a barn
: ((Because of how you can flip through the pages and see a little person transform in the corner
: ((Of the pages
: The Killswitch's connection timed out.
: ((see you think it's gonna be just kids turning into animals and it's gonna be fun and saving the world
: ((but it's like, super graphic?
: ((yeah
: ((a kid turned into a fly and got swatted and his guts got smeared everywhere
: ((i remember a bird got mcfucking shot
: ((also an alien prince totally boned a blind lady
: ((a kid got permanently trapped in bird form
: ((and made bird kid
: ((wait what
: ((Axe also literally bit a man's head off at once point
: ((wait i don't remember that
: ((I distinctly remember
: ((mostly because i remember ax not owning a mouth
: ((Someone's fucking head got bit off
: ((I was thinking Axe cause his name has Axe in it*
: The Killswitch [] joined chat.
: ((don't worry, it's an easy mistake
Azzy: ((harp seal pups are great and i want one))
: ((but they grow up to be seals
: ((seals are cute
: ((https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qmqW2EOZzg
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/52bodPv.jpg]Cody[/url]: -He's wondering if it's rude to ask Fellby and Grillby how they're on fire and not dead-
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/52bodPv.jpg]Cody[/url]: -And he's totally accidentally staring at the two-
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] He notices.
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/52bodPv.jpg]Cody[/url]: -He hasn't realized his staring-
: The Killswitch's connection timed out.
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] "...."
: The Killswitch [] joined chat.
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] He smirks.
Azzy: ((seals are big water sausages))
Azzy: ((https://youtu.be/PL9iMPx9CpQ))
: ((seals are shaped like friends
: (EGG)
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/52bodPv.jpg]Cody[/url]: -He finally notices- "Hm?"
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] "Hi there."
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/52bodPv.jpg]Cody[/url]: "Oh, h-hi"
: The Killswitch [] disconnected.
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] "I noticed you staring."
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/52bodPv.jpg]Cody[/url]: "I was staring? S-Sorry, I didn't know"
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] "It's alright, I get it a lot."
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/52bodPv.jpg]Cody[/url]: "...C-Can I ask you s-something?"
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] "Go right ahead."
: ((cody: wanna bang
: ((fellby: yes
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/qYxvARE.png]Vengeful Deity's[/url] [url=https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda/images/2/28/Hyrule_Warriors_Mask_Vengeful_Deity_Mask_%28Level_3_Mask%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20160419192957]Mask[/url]: *He is stuck with the goat and will probably dis-attach soon
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/52bodPv.jpg]Cody[/url]: "How're you on, uh, f-fire?"
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] "I am fire."
: [url=http://www.drachennetz.com/cpic/4997/10798]Asriel[/url] [url=https://s29.postimg.org/r0mdys32v/IMG_1718.jpg]Dreemurr[/url]: -He goes back inside after causing deforestation.-
: [url=http://www.drachennetz.com/cpic/4997/10798]Asriel[/url] [url=https://s29.postimg.org/r0mdys32v/IMG_1718.jpg]Dreemurr[/url]: -Big big goat.-
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/52bodPv.jpg]Cody[/url]: "O-Oh"
: [url=http://www.drachennetz.com/cpic/4997/10798]Asriel[/url] [url=https://s29.postimg.org/r0mdys32v/IMG_1718.jpg]Dreemurr[/url]: -But he's gonna take it off soon. Or let it pop off itself.-
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/52bodPv.jpg]Cody[/url]: "How d-do you not, b-burn anything?"
: Cody's connection timed out.
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] "I'm very careful."
: Cody [] joined chat.
: Cody [] disconnected.
: Sean's connection timed out.
: Laharl/Entropy (Green Edition)'s connection timed out.
: Bar!Chara's connection timed out.
: Fellby's connection timed out.
: Obscure Hunter (ÚltIMa647)'s connection timed out.
: Socially-Inept Bread's connection timed out.
: Laharl/Entropy (Green Edition)'s connection timed out.
: Fellby's connection timed out.
: Obscure Hunter (ÚltIMa647)'s connection timed out.
: Bar!Chara [Barchar] joined chat.
: Fellby [] joined chat.
: Bar!Chara's connection timed out.
: Socially-Inept Bread [] joined chat.
: Fellby's connection timed out.
: Socially-Inept Bread's connection timed out.
: Cody [] joined chat.
: Cody's connection timed out.
: Socially-Inept Bread [] joined chat.
: Socially-Inept Bread's connection timed out.
: Bar!Chara's connection timed out.
: The Killswitch [] joined chat.
: The Killswitch's connection timed out.
: Fellby's connection timed out.
: Socially-Inept Bread's connection timed out.
: The Killswitch [] joined chat.
: The Killswitch's connection timed out.
: Cody [] joined chat.
: Fellby's connection timed out.
: Cody's connection timed out.
: The Killswitch's connection timed out.
: Fellby's connection timed out.
: Fellby's connection timed out.
: Yazan [Yazan] joined chat.
: Yazan's connection timed out.
: Fellby [] joined chat.
: Yazan [Yazan] joined chat.
: Fellby's connection timed out.
: Cody [] joined chat.
Yazan: test
: Fellby [] joined chat.
: Yazan's connection timed out.
: Cody's connection timed out.
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] TEST
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] LIVE
: Yazan [Yazan] joined chat.
: The Killswitch [] joined chat.
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] rwat
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] TEST
: The Killswitch's connection timed out.
: Yazan's connection timed out.
: Fellby's connection timed out.
: Yazan [Yazan] joined chat.
: Yazan's connection timed out.
: Fellby [] joined chat.
: Cody [] joined chat.
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] COME ON PARP I BELIEVE IN YOU
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/52bodPv.jpg]Cody[/url]: (aaaaaaa
: Fellby's connection timed out.
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/52bodPv.jpg]Cody[/url]: (aaaaaaaaa
: ((aaaaaaaaaaa
: Yazan [Yazan] joined chat.
: The Killswitch [] joined chat.
: Cody's connection timed out.
: Fellby [] joined chat.
: Yazan's connection timed out.
: The Killswitch's connection timed out.
: Cody [] joined chat.
: ((WHST
: ((HELP
: The Killswitch [] joined chat.
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] parp why are you like this
: with all this disconnecting and delay nobody will notice that i tried to put a fidget spinner on my dick
: Yazan [Yazan] joined chat.
: Cody's connection timed out.
: The Killswitch's connection timed out.
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/52bodPv.jpg]Cody[/url]: (A((AAAAAAA
: ((TEST
: ((AAAA?
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] HELLO
: The Killswitch [] joined chat.
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] I'M HERE
: ((slar why
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] He leans on the bar.
: ((hhhh
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/52bodPv.jpg]Cody[/url]: -He's looking curiously at Fellby's flames-
Yazan: is it work?
: ((i think so
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] "Want a closer look?"
Yazan: ((this is like the 3rd time Parp wanted to crap out on me when I wanted to arc
: Obscure Hunter (ÚltIMa647) [] joined chat.
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] parp hates you it's official
: Obscure Hunter (ÚltIMa647)'s connection timed out.
Yazan: what doesn't hate me
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/52bodPv.jpg]Cody[/url]: "Uh, s-sure" -If Fellby is flirting, Cody is not detecting it at all-
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] He leeeaaans close
: ((dd is arcing right now anyway
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/52bodPv.jpg]Cody[/url]: -He touches Fellby's arm-
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] "Like how that feels?"
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/52bodPv.jpg]Cody[/url]: -He smiles a bit- "Yeah, it's w-warm"
: Socially-Inept Bread [] joined chat.
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] "You can get closer, if you want..."
Azzy: ((helo dad))
: Bar!Chara [Barchar] joined chat.
: ((there he go https://prnt.sc/fkrhtk
: ((his leg is so long....
: ((leggy
: Test
Yazan: he should roundhouse people instead of slapping
: ((if he kicked people he could hit them from further away
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/52bodPv.jpg]Cody[/url]: -He keeps papping Fellby's arm, fascinated by the purple fire-
: [url=http://www.drachennetz.com/cpic/4997/10798]Asriel[/url] [url=https://s29.postimg.org/r0mdys32v/IMG_1718.jpg]Dreemurr[/url]: -He is relaxing on the couch a
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] "Like that?"
: ((I never said hello back to you Azzy
: ((Hello
Azzy: ((how is))
: ((P good
Azzy: ((gud))
Azzy: ((imma play siege when we get it))
Azzy: ((which should be next week))
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/PVTSku8.jpg]Jager Leyline[/url]: -wakes up and grabs his head-
: [url=http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/167/902/79e.png]Akane[/url]: "Jager?"
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/52bodPv.jpg]Cody[/url]: -He is oblivious- "Y-Yeah, it's nice"
: [url=http://www.drachennetz.com/cpic/4997/10798]Asriel[/url] [url=https://s29.postimg.org/r0mdys32v/IMG_1718.jpg]Dreemurr[/url]: 0..."
: ((Yey
: (I'm shit at siege now
: ((I don't know what happened
: ((But playing Payday 2 literally just
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] "....." It's not working.
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/PVTSku8.jpg]Jager Leyline[/url]: "owww...my head head"
: Fellby's connection timed out.
: The Killswitch's connection timed out.
: Cody's connection timed out.
: Socially-Inept Bread's connection timed out.
: Bar!Chara's connection timed out.
: ((Crippled me
: The Killswitch [] joined chat.
: Socially-Inept Bread [] joined chat.
: ((Made me bad at that game
: The Killswitch's connection timed out.
: Yazan's connection timed out.
: Socially-Inept Bread's connection timed out.
: Cody's connection timed out.
: Yazan [Yazan] joined chat.
: Bar!Chara [Barchar] joined chat.
: Cody [] joined chat.
: Fellby [] joined chat.
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/52bodPv.jpg]Cody[/url]: -He's a Slowpoke what'd you expect-
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] TEST
: Bar!Chara's connection timed out.
: Cody's connection timed out.
: Yazan's connection timed out.
: Cody [] joined chat.
: Fellby's connection timed out.
: Cody [] disconnected.
: Fellby [] joined chat.
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] hello?
: Yazan [Yazan] joined chat.
: Bar!Chara [Barchar] joined chat.
: Cody [] joined chat.
: Cody's connection timed out.
: Fellby [] disconnected.
: Cody [] joined chat.
: Fellby [] joined chat.
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] dajfdsgf
: ((test
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] yay
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] He scoot closer
: Cody's connection timed out.
: Socially-Inept Bread [] joined chat.
: Cody [] joined chat.
: Socially-Inept Bread's connection timed out.
: Bar!Chara's connection timed out.
: Fellby's connection timed out.
: Socially-Inept Bread [] joined chat.
: Yazan's connection timed out.
: Cody's connection timed out.
: Yazan [Yazan] joined chat.
: Socially-Inept Bread's connection timed out.
: Yazan's connection timed out.
: Fellby's connection timed out.
: Yazan [Yazan] joined chat.
: Socially-Inept Bread [] joined chat.
: Cody [] joined chat.
: Yazan's connection timed out.
: Socially-Inept Bread's connection timed out.
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/52bodPv.jpg]Cody[/url]: -Despite being oblivious to the flirt, he does seem happier and more comfortable, his tail slowly waving about-
: AquaBlue313 [Aqua] joined chat.
: Socially-Inept Bread [] joined chat.
: Yazan [Yazan] joined chat.
: AquaBlue313's connection timed out.
: Cody's connection timed out.
: The Killswitch [] joined chat.
: Fellby [] joined chat.
: Fellby's connection timed out.
: The Killswitch's connection timed out.
: Yazan's connection timed out.
: Socially-Inept Bread's connection timed out.
: Cody's connection timed out.
: Yazan [Yazan] joined chat.
: ((test
: Socially-Inept Bread [] joined chat.
: Socially-Inept Bread's connection timed out.
: ((tessst
: Bar!Chara [Barchar] joined chat.
: Fellby [] joined chat.
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] HELLO?
: Fellby's connection timed out.
: Cody's connection timed out.
: Fellby [] joined chat.
: Yazan's connection timed out.
: Yazan [Yazan] joined chat.
: Cody [] joined chat.
: Bar!Chara's connection timed out.
: https://discord.gg/a9WcSWA
: Fellby [] disconnected.
: Bar!Chara [Barchar] joined chat.
: Fellby [] joined chat.
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] please get on the discord bc idk what the status of parp will be
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/52bodPv.jpg]Cody[/url]: aaaa
: ((test?
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] hello
: ((hi
: The Killswitch [] joined chat.
: Laharl/Entropy (Green Edition) [] joined chat.
: Test
: ((parp why
: *jumps down from counter*
: im gay
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/52bodPv.jpg]Cody[/url]: same
: puts his arm over Cody's shoulder.
: ((brb
??: [can i get uhhhhhh]
??: [boneless pizza]
: Socially-Inept Bread [] joined chat.
: Test
: 1
: ]
: 3
: Pretend that's a 2
: Socially-Inept Bread's connection timed out.
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/52bodPv.jpg]Cody[/url]: -He starts to blush, just now starting to realize what's going on-
: ((back
: The Killswitch's connection timed out.
: Yazan's connection timed out.
: Cody's connection timed out.
: Bar!Chara's connection timed out.
: Fellby's connection timed out.
: The Killswitch [] joined chat.
: Yazan [Yazan] joined chat.
: Cody's connection timed out.
: Laharl/Entropy (Green Edition)'s connection timed out.
: The Killswitch's connection timed out.
: Yazan's connection timed out.
: Cody's connection timed out.
: The Killswitch [] joined chat.
: Yazan [Yazan] joined chat.
: Cody [] joined chat.
: Bar!Chara [Barchar] joined chat.
: The Killswitch's connection timed out.
: Fellby [] joined chat.
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] ARE WE GOO
: Fellby [] disconnected.
: Frisky Whiskington [] joined chat.
: Frisky Whiskington [] disconnected.
: ((will fellby get to bang a slowpoke? tune in next week, same bat-time, same bat-channel
: Frisky Whiskington [] joined chat.
: ((Mmmm
: Bar!Chara's connection timed out.
: Fellby [] joined chat.
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] pleeeease parp
: Sig [Sig] joined chat.
: Cody's connection timed out.
: Cody [] joined chat.
: Bar!Chara [Barchar] joined chat.
Sig: [[ Test ]]
: https://discord.gg/a9WcSWA
: Cody's connection timed out.
: Bar!Chara's connection timed out.
: Frisky Whiskington's connection timed out.
: Sig's connection timed out.
: Cody [] joined chat.
: Sig [Sig] joined chat.
: Bar!Chara [Barchar] joined chat.
: Cody's connection timed out.
: smiles. "How you feeling?"
: Cody [] joined chat.
Yazan: test
: ((test?
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] test.
: ((hi
: Frisky Whiskington's connection timed out.
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/52bodPv.jpg]Cody[/url]: -He's blushing- "I'm a-alright, how're you?" -He does not know how to flirt-
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] "I'm doing wonderful."
: ((cody: *pulls out his phone and googles 'how to flirt'*
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/52bodPv.jpg]Cody[/url]: -He smiles softly-
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] "Can I get you anything?"
: ((cody: your dick
: Landorus [] joined chat.
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] "Like, a drink, maybe?"
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/52bodPv.jpg]Cody[/url]: "Oh, s-sure"
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] "What kind?"
: [url=https://blackadventurescomic.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/landorus-ghost-trick.png]Landorus:[/url] They're asleep. Dreaming about ladybugs and butterflies.
: Landorus's connection timed out.
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/52bodPv.jpg]Cody[/url]: "Some w-wine maybe?"
: Landorus [] joined chat.
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] "Alright."
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] He gets cody a nice moscato
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/52bodPv.jpg]Cody[/url]: "T-Thank you"
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/52bodPv.jpg]Cody[/url]: -sip-
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/52bodPv.jpg]Cody[/url]: -The drink seems to calm him down a little-
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] He gets a whiskey for himself.
: Landorus's connection timed out.
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/PVTSku8.jpg]Jager Leyline[/url]: -gets up finally
: [url=http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/167/902/79e.png]Akane[/url]: "Feeling better?"
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/52bodPv.jpg]Cody[/url]: -His tail waves around as he drinks-
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/PVTSku8.jpg]Jager Leyline[/url]: "uhh..my head still hurts
: [url=http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/167/902/79e.png]Akane[/url]: "You were really upset..."
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/PVTSku8.jpg]Jager Leyline[/url]: "Yeah....because Vidarr is still gone"
: [url=http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/167/902/79e.png]Akane[/url]: "... We'll try to get him back. I promise."
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/52bodPv.jpg]Cody[/url]: -His tail curls around Fellby's wrist-
: Landorus [] joined chat.
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/PVTSku8.jpg]Jager Leyline[/url]: "Satan already did.....whatever that thing is...its not Vidarr"
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] "Oh! Hello there."
: [url=http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/167/902/79e.png]Akane[/url]: "Mmmh... then what is it?"
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/PVTSku8.jpg]Jager Leyline[/url]: "...I don't know....some kind of feral creature
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/52bodPv.jpg]Cody[/url]: -He smiles a bit while sipping his drink. This is how he flirts-
: Landorus's connection timed out.
: [url=http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/167/902/79e.png]Akane[/url]: "... Hm..."
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] "You're cute."
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/PVTSku8.jpg]Jager Leyline[/url]: -ugh....I feel like....there was something important I am forgotting about
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/52bodPv.jpg]Cody[/url]: "T-Thank you"
: [url=http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/167/902/79e.png]Akane[/url]: "Well... try talking it over with me."
: The Killswitch [] joined chat.
: Landorus [] joined chat.
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/PVTSku8.jpg]Jager Leyline[/url]: "What was I talking about beofe?
: Landorus's connection timed out.
: Cody's connection timed out.
: Fellby's connection timed out.
: Yazan's connection timed out.
: Sig's connection timed out.
: Bar!Chara's connection timed out.
: The Killswitch's connection timed out.
: Landorus's connection timed out.
: Yazan [Yazan] joined chat.
: The Killswitch [] joined chat.
: Cody [] joined chat.
: Yazan's connection timed out.
: Sig [Sig] joined chat.
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/52bodPv.jpg]Cody[/url]: "You l-look very nice"
: Yazan [Yazan] joined chat.
: Cody's connection timed out.
: The Killswitch's connection timed out.
: Sig's connection timed out.
: Cody [] joined chat.
: Sig [Sig] joined chat.
: The Killswitch [] joined chat.
: Socially-Inept Bread [] joined chat.
: Test
: Is anyone here?
Yazan: yes
Sig: [[ me ]]
: Hello
: ((hi
: Fellby [] joined chat.
: [url=http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/167/902/79e.png]Akane[/url]: "Something about... uh."
: ((wow thanks for sending that now parp
: [url=http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/167/902/79e.png]Akane[/url]: "Fellby?"
: Landorus [] joined chat.
: [url=https://blackadventurescomic.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/landorus-ghost-trick.png]Landorus:[/url] hi
: [url=http://www.drachennetz.com/cpic/4997/10798]Asriel[/url] [url=https://s29.postimg.org/r0mdys32v/IMG_1718.jpg]Dreemurr[/url]: -He is sleepy on the bar couch.-
: (("he was a spoiled brat" chill out char https://prnt.sc/fks7ku
Sig: [[ sending what ]]
: ((hi
: ((my first akane message
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] "Why, thank you."
Sig: [color=#00bfff][( oh )][/color]
Yazan: ((well he was
: ((no he wasn't
: [url=https://blackadventurescomic.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/landorus-ghost-trick.png]Landorus:[/url] They're passed out on the couch, mumbling in their sleep. "...beauful... 'n fragile..."
: [url=http://www.drachennetz.com/cpic/4997/10798]Asriel[/url] [url=https://s29.postimg.org/r0mdys32v/IMG_1718.jpg]Dreemurr[/url]: -He looks over to Landorus. He's not asleep yet, just tired.-
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/PVTSku8.jpg]Jager Leyline[/url]: "Fellby...?
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/52bodPv.jpg]Cody[/url]: "..." -He's not sure how to continue this-
: Frisky Whiskington [] joined chat.
: [url=http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/167/902/79e.png]Akane[/url]: "Yeah, and something about humans?"
: ((A
: ((A
: Frisky Whiskington [] disconnected.
: [url=https://blackadventurescomic.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/landorus-ghost-trick.png]Landorus:[/url] b
: Frisky Whiskington [] joined chat.
: ((c
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] d
Sig: [color=#00bfff]*He's still sleeping. The ladybug is on his red arm now*[/color]
: ((You did it wrong
Yazan: e
Sig: [[ There's 2 A's apparently ]]
Sig: [[ When it truth there should be 2 B's ]
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/PVTSku8.jpg]Jager Leyline[/url]: "....where is he at?
: Frisky Whiskington [] disconnected.
: [url=http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/167/902/79e.png]Akane[/url]: "Who, fellby?"
: [url=https://blackadventurescomic.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/landorus-ghost-trick.png]Landorus:[/url] They wake up. "...Hello."
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/PVTSku8.jpg]Jager Leyline[/url]: "yeah
: Yazan [Yazan] is now Jäger Leyline [].
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/PVTSku8.jpg]Jager Leyline[/url]: "I think I remeber
: [url=http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/167/902/79e.png]Akane[/url]: "I'm not sure, but we can attempt a summoning."
: [url=http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/167/902/79e.png]Akane[/url]: "Or we could like, text them and find out."
: looks for his phone
: Socially-Inept Bread's connection timed out.
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/PVTSku8.jpg]Jager Leyline[/url]: "shit...
: Socially-Inept Bread [] joined chat.
: Landorus's connection timed out.
: yonkers [] joined chat.
: [url=http://www.drachennetz.com/cpic/4997/10798]Asriel[/url] [url=https://s29.postimg.org/r0mdys32v/IMG_1718.jpg]Dreemurr[/url]: "Howdy."
: hi
: [url=http://www.drachennetz.com/cpic/4997/10798]Asriel[/url] [url=https://s29.postimg.org/r0mdys32v/IMG_1718.jpg]Dreemurr[/url]: "You were mumbling a little while you slept."
: [url=http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/167/902/79e.png]Akane[/url]: She reaches into her cleavage and pulls out her phone.
: Landorus [] joined chat.
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/52bodPv.jpg]Cody[/url]: -sip-
: [url=http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/167/902/79e.png]Akane[/url]: [rerereooreoren]
: [url=http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/167/902/79e.png]Akane[/url]: [sorry my tits sent that]
: ((Okay I need to know
: [url=http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/167/902/79e.png]Akane[/url]: [anyway fellby where are you]
: ((Putting stuff inbetween your breasts can't be comfortable
: [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/296198933212954624/325003111754235904/IMG_20170615_101927_135.jpg]Madoka[/url]: She walks in.
: [url=https://blackadventurescomic.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/landorus-ghost-trick.png]Landorus:[/url] "Oh, was I? I apologize."
: ((it's a free pocket
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] [i'm in the bar]
: Landorus's connection timed out.
: looks at the phone and heads to the door to the bar "lets go
: [url=http://www.drachennetz.com/cpic/4997/10798]Asriel[/url] [url=https://s29.postimg.org/r0mdys32v/IMG_1718.jpg]Dreemurr[/url]: "It was no issue."
: ((fellby: i'm busy right now i'm trying to get some ass
: [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/296198933212954624/325003111754235904/IMG_20170615_101927_135.jpg]Madoka[/url]: She's holding a book.
: [url=http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/167/902/79e.png]Akane[/url]: "Alright."
: [url=http://www.drachennetz.com/cpic/4997/10798]Asriel[/url] [url=https://s29.postimg.org/r0mdys32v/IMG_1718.jpg]Dreemurr[/url]: "I just simply noted that it happened. Howdy." -Said to Madoka.-
: Landorus [] joined chat.
: enters the bar with Akane
: The howdy
: Was to Madoka
: Rest to landorus
: [url=http://www.drachennetz.com/cpic/4997/10798]Asriel[/url] [url=https://s29.postimg.org/r0mdys32v/IMG_1718.jpg]Dreemurr[/url]: -He waves to the other two as well.-
: Landorus's connection timed out.
: [url=http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/167/902/79e.png]Akane[/url]: She steps in.
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/52bodPv.jpg]Cody[/url]: -He looks at the newcomers-
: Laharl/Entropy (Green Edition) [] joined chat.
: moves over to Fellby "Fellby....things have changed. The emperor stopped it...the war and all
: Landorus [] joined chat.
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] "... Huh?"
: Laharl/Entropy (Green Edition) [] is now Laharl/Entropy (Green Edition) [a].
: Laharl/Entropy (Green Edition) [a] is now Laharl/Entropy (Green Edition) [].
: [url=https://blackadventurescomic.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/landorus-ghost-trick.png]Landorus:[/url] "Oh."
: [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/296198933212954624/325003111754235904/IMG_20170615_101927_135.jpg]Madoka[/url]: She waves to Asriel, sitting at a table.
: The Killswitch [] disconnected.
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/PVTSku8.jpg]Jager Leyline[/url]: "that future of mine.....you remember? where I became king? and I was old and stuff?
: [url=http://www.drachennetz.com/cpic/4997/10798]Asriel[/url] [url=https://s29.postimg.org/r0mdys32v/IMG_1718.jpg]Dreemurr[/url]: "You said something about... well, you said 'Beautiful and Fragile,' or something like that."
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] He nods.
: Landorus's connection timed out.
: The Killswitch [] joined chat.
: Landorus [] joined chat.
Female Asriel: She heads into bar
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/PVTSku8.jpg]Jager Leyline[/url]: "He changed fate.....the way my world works
Hywel: -He follows.-
Hywel: "Why are we coming here."
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] "Okay... is that good or bad?"
Female Asriel: "Cuz I wanted to be here."
Female Asriel: She went in a void
Hywel: "We be on vaca tho."
: [url=https://blackadventurescomic.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/landorus-ghost-trick.png]Landorus:[/url] "I was dreaming about life and how beautiful it is, but how easy it is to take."
Hywel: -He still followed.-
: [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/296198933212954624/325003111754235904/IMG_20170615_101927_135.jpg]Madoka[/url]: "..."
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/PVTSku8.jpg]Jager Leyline[/url]: ".....I dont know....to do that requires immense power......
Female Asriel: "But why vacation from friendos."
Hywel: "True."
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] "Immense... power..."
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] "So, who?"
Female Asriel: "And the best warm beer in the tristate area."
: [url=http://www.drachennetz.com/cpic/4997/10798]Asriel[/url] [url=https://s29.postimg.org/r0mdys32v/IMG_1718.jpg]Dreemurr[/url]: "Mm, that's an interesting dream."
: Landorus's connection timed out.
Female Asriel: Sit, wave to others
Hywel: "Oh."
Grillby: He slams his hands on the counter. "My beer is NOT WARM"
Azzy: ((parp))
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/PVTSku8.jpg]Jager Leyline[/url]: "I...dont know.....
: Landorus [] joined chat.
: Landorus's connection timed out.
: ((german beer is warm
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] "Listen, Jager."
Female Asriel: "But you're fire."
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] "I'm more than happy to help you figure this out. Call me any time you need me."
: Jäger Leyline's connection timed out.
: The Killswitch's connection timed out.
: Landorus's connection timed out.
: The Killswitch [] joined chat.
: Jäger Leyline [] joined chat.
Hywel: "Ye."
: yonkers's connection timed out.
: Jäger Leyline [] disconnected.
: Landorus [] joined chat.
: [url=https://blackadventurescomic.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/landorus-ghost-trick.png]Landorus:[/url] "To be fair it started with ladybirds."
: Jäger Leyline [] joined chat.
: Socially-Inept Bread's connection timed out.
: Sig's connection timed out.
: Fellby's connection timed out.
: Laharl/Entropy (Green Edition)'s connection timed out.
: Cody's connection timed out.
: Landorus's connection timed out.
: The Killswitch's connection timed out.
: Frisky Whiskington [] joined chat.
: The Killswitch [] joined chat.
: Sig [Sig] joined chat.
: Laharl/Entropy (Green Edition) [] joined chat.
: Frisky Whiskington's connection timed out.
: Fellby [] joined chat.
: The Killswitch's connection timed out.
: Sig's connection timed out.
: Jäger Leyline's connection timed out.
: Socially-Inept Bread's connection timed out.
: Fellby's connection timed out.
: Laharl/Entropy (Green Edition)'s connection timed out.
: Sig [Sig] joined chat.
: Socially-Inept Bread [] joined chat.
: Fellby [] joined chat.
: Jäger Leyline [] joined chat.
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] hgfg
: Landorus [] joined chat.
: Jäger Leyline [] disconnected.
: [url=https://blackadventurescomic.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/landorus-ghost-trick.png]Landorus:[/url] fuck this im going to bed gn
: [url=https://blackadventurescomic.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/landorus-ghost-trick.png]Landorus:[/url] fuck this gn
: Jäger Leyline [] joined chat.
: Frisky Whiskington [] joined chat.
: Fellby's connection timed out.
: Jäger Leyline's connection timed out.
: ((Aaa
: Landorus's connection timed out.
: The Killswitch [] joined chat.
: Fellby [] joined chat.
: Laharl/Entropy (Green Edition)'s connection timed out.
: ((test
: Jäger Leyline [] joined chat.
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] aaaaaaaaaaaaa
: Jäger Leyline's connection timed out.
: ((aaaaaaaaaa
: Jäger Leyline [] joined chat.
: ((test
: Teeesssttt
: sits down and rests his head in his hands
: 1
: 2
: 3
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] He pats Jager on the shoulder.
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/52bodPv.jpg]Cody[/url]: -He sips his drink-
: ((we now have an rp channel on discord, incase everything is perma-fucked
: Jäger Leyline's connection timed out.
: https://discord.gg/haqQaMz
: ((please join the discord if you're capable
Azzy: ((dad the world is falling apart))
: Jäger Leyline [] joined chat.
: ((Nah
: ((Just parp
Azzy: ((it's my whole world))
: ((I think the owner might just be jumping ship at this point
: ((Don't worry Azzy, there are other websites
: Frisky Whiskington's connection timed out.
Azzy: ((*hugs*))
Azzy: ((we're all gonna die))
: ((*hugs vack*
: ((Nah
Azzy: ((in a long term sense))
: Jäger Leyline's connection timed out.
: test
: ((That's true, then
: ((Long term yeah
: Jäger Leyline [] joined chat.
: Sig's connection timed out.
: Socially-Inept Bread's connection timed out.
: Sig [Sig] joined chat.
: Cody's connection timed out.
: Fellby's connection timed out.
: The Killswitch's connection timed out.
: Socially-Inept Bread [] joined chat.
: The Killswitch [] joined chat.
: Frisky Whiskington [] joined chat.
: Cody [] joined chat.
: Fellby [] joined chat.
: Jäger Leyline's connection timed out.
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] test
: Sig's connection timed out.
: Jäger Leyline [] joined chat.
: This website is fuuuuucked
: Is it fucked for good
: Sig [Sig] joined chat.
: Wally [] joined chat.
: Do we know that yet
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/OZZxkSn.png]Wal[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/9kfsFWM.png]ly:[/url] test
: Also Chime
: Nah we don't
: Not yet
: Put the Discord link as the topic
: Just in case anyone comes
: ((i'm nervous, i don't wanna lose parp
: ((I'm fine with losing parp as long as the logs are still accessable
: Fellby [] changed the topic to "https://discord.gg/haqQaMz"
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/OZZxkSn.png]Wal[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/9kfsFWM.png]ly:[/url] So what's wrong with PARP?
: Some bullshit with the owner
: And moderators
: Or something
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/OZZxkSn.png]Wal[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/9kfsFWM.png]ly:[/url] Oh, wonderful
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] basically all the mods fucked off
: I don't know too much about it
: ((The entire mod team left
: ((The owner is having a bunch of flaming shit thrown at them
: Geez
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/OZZxkSn.png]Wal[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/9kfsFWM.png]ly:[/url] I mean I hope the owner at least makes the site open source so someone can fork it
: ((They're probably freaking the fuck out
: ((As far as I know, other staff are leaving
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/OZZxkSn.png]Wal[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/9kfsFWM.png]ly:[/url] either that or makes the logs downloadable
: ((it already is open sourse
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/OZZxkSn.png]Wal[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/9kfsFWM.png]ly:[/url] oh neat
: ((This mean I actually have to
: ((Moderate on discord
: ((*gasp*
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/OZZxkSn.png]Wal[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/9kfsFWM.png]ly:[/url] Gasp!
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] I'm gonna say it again: PLEASE JOIN THE DISCORD IF YOU'RE ABLE
: Hang on I'll make it clear
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] I don't want to lose contact with anyone
: ((me either
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] this is like, code red here
: ((everyone but yazan is on discord
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/OZZxkSn.png]Wal[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/9kfsFWM.png]ly:[/url] So how'd you guys find out about why it's going to shit? Is there a news post about it or something?
: (("We're not roleplayers, we're assholes." -Frisky, 2016
: ((aaaaaaa
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/OZZxkSn.png]Wal[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/9kfsFWM.png]ly:[/url] I mean there is the subreddit
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] i mean we might be able to find you through reddit but
: ((I'm gonna permantly use this color
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/OZZxkSn.png]Wal[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/9kfsFWM.png]ly:[/url] I guess we could post the discord there
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] i ain't takin' no chances
Azzy: ((bread why are you so bright))
: ((Okay I'm joking it's hurting my eyes too
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] bread is now blinding
: Better
: Jäger Leyline's connection timed out.
: Isn't there like
: ( Í¡ï½ ÍœÊ– Í¡ ï½ï¼‰
: A bunch of other chats
: Don't we have a backup?
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] Not after this, no.
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] I mean, we could use cherubplay but there's a ton of nasty shit on there.
: Shit
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/OZZxkSn.png]Wal[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/9kfsFWM.png]ly:[/url] Seemingly it won't go down, at least according to the blog
: Jäger Leyline [] joined chat.
: Some of the information contained on MSPARP was deleted by one of the moderators before they left. We will be working to recreate this information and apologize for any inconvenience it may cause.
: This is the childish petty shit
: That I fucking hate
: I'm looking at our logs right now
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/OZZxkSn.png]Wal[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/9kfsFWM.png]ly:[/url] Second post down says that it won't go down, so that's reassuring
: Very nostalgic
: ((but still, everyone please join discord, just in case the worst happens
: I feel bad for the owner
: I don't think whatever they did could have warranted this
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/OZZxkSn.png]Wal[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/9kfsFWM.png]ly:[/url] same
: Fuckin
: The way these mods behaved
: The mob mentality, all just fucking running away like a herd of bulls
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/OZZxkSn.png]Wal[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/9kfsFWM.png]ly:[/url] Yeah
: Glad to see that the community outside of CAU on this site is so
: Accepting.
: /sarcasm/
: Like fuck, I understand if they were being a dick and giving a bunch of tickets to one mod, thats a dick move
: But jfc they chose to moderate the website
: It CANT be this and the ERP nonsense.
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/OZZxkSn.png]Wal[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/9kfsFWM.png]ly:[/url] I barely know the community of parp outside of CaU
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/OZZxkSn.png]Wal[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/9kfsFWM.png]ly:[/url] Are they all usually assholes?
: Seems toxic right now
: From what I know, they're just fucking lynching the owner
: Witch hunting, rather
Female Asriel: She lies down
: ((post from one of the mods: http://vriska.tumblr.com/post/161916682829/proof-that-nadia-is-into-lolishota
: ((Im afraid to ask what that is
: The night is dark, the sky empty, and the streets quiet. You are walking home after a long day of work. You expect to have a nice evening with your family, but in the distance is the shadow of a man. You stop, and he starts to approach. Your heart fills with terror as you see the face of your assailant, and hear the cold voice emmenating from under his hat. "another settlement needs our help" You open your mouth to scream, but it is too late. Your map has already been updated. There was no escape from this. There is never an escape, because this is... The twilight zone
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/OZZxkSn.png]Wal[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/9kfsFWM.png]ly:[/url] Oh, boy. Wonder what their viewpoint is.
Sig: [[ oh ]]
: ((tempted to reply 'wow nice witch hunt you got here'
: ((That's harrassment, Slar.
: ((The issue here
: ((Is that
: ((On the legal sides of things, Nadia isn't doing anything wrong.
: ((Harrassment is aggressive pressure or intimidation
: ((It's the mixture of other people's opinions
: ((A snide reply to someone trying to ruin someone's website =/= harassment
: ((you know what, fuck this
: ((i'm done
: Fellby [] disconnected.
: ((Wow okay
: Jäger Leyline's connection timed out.
: ((I mean
: ((I'm taking what all these people are saying with a goddamn grain of salt
: Jäger Leyline [] joined chat.
: Fellby [] joined chat.
Sig: [[ I'm on the side of 'I'm taking everyone's side with a grain of salt. ]]
: ((You know what, no, I'm not fucking done.
: ((I'm basically doing what dd is doing
Sig: [[ In the end, I wouldn't be surprised if both sides were wrong and this got blown out of proportion. ]]
: ((i'm on the side of "i just wanna rp on parp"
: Laharl/Entropy (Green Edition) [] joined chat.
: ((Oh DD, this is being blown way out of proportion
: ((That's a fact
: ((But just, how much either side is doing that
: ((Is what I don't know. I can't tell if all the mods had a legitimate reason to jump ship, or they're all over reacting
: ((I'm on the side of "I don't give a shit"
: ((I can't tell if Nadia was being a prick, or this is just what people are saying based of of emotions because they're upset about what they did.
: All I know is that this website is going to need mods and other staff after having stuff like that happen.
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/OZZxkSn.png]Wal[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/9kfsFWM.png]ly:[/url] should I post a tl;dr of the situation from the mods' point of view here?
: ((I'm on the side of 'nadia was a dumb owner and everyone jumped ship rather than sort things out because they wanted to feel smug and superior to everyone else, and then eventually mob mentality probably set in and people would get called pedophiles if they stayed'
: ((And nobody wanted to be in the crossfire
: ((Slarv is right
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/OZZxkSn.png]Wal[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/9kfsFWM.png]ly:[/url] ^
: ((still
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/OZZxkSn.png]Wal[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/9kfsFWM.png]ly:[/url] THis is pretty shitty on both sides
: ((there's no reason to be a snide little shit yourself
: ((aaaaaaaa
: ((I said I was tempted to, I didn't do it, and I wasn't going to do it because I was basically just stating that here because that'
: ((s how it felt reading that post
: ((I think I have
: ((An analogy
: ((No i dont
: ((I ran it through my head
: ((And it made no sense
Azzy: ((:<))
: ((:>
Nobody: ^_^
Azzy: ((it looks weird that way))
: ((well, parp hasn't been down for a while, lets take advantage of that
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/52bodPv.jpg]Cody[/url]: -he exists-
: [url=http://www.drachennetz.com/cpic/4997/10798]Asriel[/url] [url=https://s29.postimg.org/r0mdys32v/IMG_1718.jpg]Dreemurr[/url]: -Same.-
: Jäger Leyline's connection timed out.
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] He's thinking about Jager's thing.
: Jäger Leyline [] joined chat.
: Jäger Leyline's connection timed out.
: The Killswitch's connection timed out.
: Socially-Inept Bread's connection timed out.
: Cody's connection timed out.
: Frisky Whiskington's connection timed out.
: Sig's connection timed out.
: Fellby's connection timed out.
: Laharl/Entropy (Green Edition)'s connection timed out.
: Wally's connection timed out.
: Sig [Sig] joined chat.
: The Killswitch [] joined chat.
: Socially-Inept Bread [] joined chat.
: Jäger Leyline [] joined chat.
: The Killswitch's connection timed out.
: Laharl/Entropy (Green Edition) [] is now Laharl/Entropy (Green Edition) [a].
: Laharl/Entropy (Green Edition) [a] is now Laharl/Entropy (Green Edition) [].
a: Robin you jinx
: Sig's connection timed out.
: Socially-Inept Bread's connection timed out.
: Jäger Leyline's connection timed out.
: Cody [] joined chat.
: ((fuck i'm sorry
: Fellby [] joined chat.
: Sig [Sig] joined chat.
: Jäger Leyline [] joined chat.
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/52bodPv.jpg]Cody[/url]: -His tail is still wrapped around Fellby unless he removed it-
: ((having icky thoughts, i'm going to bed
: Fellby [] disconnected.
: ((gn
: Jäger Leyline's connection timed out.
: Wally [] joined chat.
: Socially-Inept Bread [] joined chat.
: Wally's connection timed out.
: Jäger Leyline [] joined chat.
Sig: [[ ok ]]
: Jäger Leyline [] disconnected.
: rip
: Frisky Whiskington [] joined chat.
: The Killswitch [] joined chat.
: Cody's connection timed out.
: Socially-Inept Bread's connection timed out.
: The Killswitch's connection timed out.
: Laharl/Entropy (Green Edition)'s connection timed out.
: Sig's connection timed out.
: Frisky Whiskington's connection timed out.
: Socially-Inept Bread [] joined chat.
: Sig [Sig] joined chat.
: Laharl/Entropy (Green Edition) [] joined chat.
: Sig's connection timed out.
: The Killswitch [] joined chat.
: Frisky Whiskington [] joined chat.
: Socially-Inept Bread's connection timed out.
: Laharl/Entropy (Green Edition)'s connection timed out.
: The Killswitch's connection timed out.
: Frisky Whiskington's connection timed out.
: Sig's connection timed out.
: The Killswitch [] joined chat.
: Frisky Whiskington [] joined chat.
: Sig [Sig] joined chat.
: The Killswitch's connection timed out.
: Socially-Inept Bread's connection timed out.
: Frisky Whiskington's connection timed out.
: Sig's connection timed out.
: The Killswitch [] joined chat.
: The Killswitch's connection timed out.
: Laharl/Entropy (Green Edition) [] joined chat.
: Sig [Sig] joined chat.
: Laharl/Entropy (Green Edition)'s connection timed out.
: Sig's connection timed out.
: Frisky Whiskington [] joined chat.
: The Killswitch [] joined chat.
: Frisky Whiskington's connection timed out.
: Laharl/Entropy (Green Edition) [] joined chat.
: The Killswitch's connection timed out.
: Frisky Whiskington [] joined chat.
: Sig [Sig] joined chat.
: Frisky Whiskington's connection timed out.
: The Killswitch [] joined chat.
: Sig's connection timed out.
: Laharl/Entropy (Green Edition)'s connection timed out.
: Sig [Sig] joined chat.
: Socially-Inept Bread [] joined chat.
: Laharl/Entropy (Green Edition) [] joined chat.
: The Killswitch's connection timed out.
: The Killswitch [] joined chat.
: Laharl/Entropy (Green Edition)'s connection timed out.
Sig: [[ Ouch ]]
: The Killswitch's connection timed out.
: Sig's connection timed out.
: Laharl/Entropy (Green Edition) [] joined chat.
: The Killswitch [] joined chat.
: Socially-Inept Bread's connection timed out.
: The Killswitch's connection timed out.
: Sig [Sig] joined chat.
: Socially-Inept Bread [] joined chat.
: Jäger Leyline [] joined chat.
: ((hello
: Frisky Whiskington [] joined chat.
: The Killswitch [] joined chat.
: Hi
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/PVTSku8.jpg]Jager Leyline[/url]: (y r u uo
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/PVTSku8.jpg]Jager Leyline[/url]: up
: Frisky Whiskington's connection timed out.
: Jäger Leyline's connection timed out.
: Socially-Inept Bread's connection timed out.
: Jäger Leyline [] joined chat.
: The Killswitch [] disconnected.
: Socially-Inept Bread [] joined chat.
: heck
: Iunno*
: ((slleep time
: ((its 330
: Socially-Inept Bread [] disconnected.
: Frisky Whiskington [] joined chat.
: Socially-Inept Bread [] joined chat.
: Ehhhh
: ((boy I will call the sleep police
: But that doesn't exist
: Sleep Police: We beg to differ! Arrest the bread!
: Oh no
: Sleep Revolutionary: Sleep is for the weak, join the revolution, bread.
: Frisky Whiskington's connection timed out.
: Sleep Police: Sleep make a strong people and a strong nation! Down with the anarchists!
: Sleep Revolutionary: We speak for a nation of choice and literacy!
: Sleep Police: More like a nation of drowizness and laziness
: Sleep Revolutionary: I speak for a greater future. A world without the competitors aiming for petty insults to win arguments. Sleep when you want to, and not when some government figure decides for you.
: Internet is being bad
: Sleep Police: And we aim for a comfy time where all can relax and sleep in peace, with out those who. distrub the peace
: ((teach it some manners
: Sleep Revolutionary: The choice to sleep when you want is as important as sleep itself!
: Sleep Police: We protect those who sleep is disturbed by you revolutionaries and your total disregard for their sleep
: Jäger Leyline's connection timed out.
: Laharl/Entropy (Green Edition)'s connection timed out.
: Jäger Leyline [] joined chat.
: Jäger Leyline's connection timed out.
: Frisky Whiskington [] joined chat.
: Frisky Whiskington [] disconnected.
: Jäger Leyline [] joined chat.
: Jäger Leyline [] disconnected.
: Socially-Inept Bread [] disconnected.
: Jäger Leyline [] joined chat.
: Socially-Inept Bread [] joined chat.
: Socially-Inept Bread's connection timed out.
: Jäger Leyline's connection timed out.
: Sean's connection timed out.
: Laharl/Entropy (Green Edition)'s connection timed out.
: Bar!Chara's connection timed out.
: Fellby's connection timed out.
: Obscure Hunter (ÚltIMa647)'s connection timed out.
: Socially-Inept Bread's connection timed out.
: Cody's connection timed out.
: Sig [Sig] joined chat.
: Bar!Chara [Barchar] joined chat.
: Fellby [] joined chat.
: AquaBlue313 [Aqua] joined chat.
: Fellby [] disconnected.
: AquaBlue313 [Aqua] disconnected.
: Jäger Leyline [] joined chat.
: ((test
: Fellby [] joined chat.
: ((morning
: Laharl/Entropy (Green Edition) [] joined chat.
: ((hey
: Yo
: ((just saw wonder woman
: ((first good DC movie\
: ((I haven't seen it
: ((its good, better than the other DCU movies
: enters the eastern labs to check on Vidarr
Luci: She's still there, watching him.
: looks at Luci, "Hey..."
Luci: While she poses a much less intimidating figure than Satan, she's still second in command of hell.
Luci: "Hey Jager."
: sits down in a chair, "...thanks for helping"
Luci: She's dropped food and water into Vidars room periodically.
Luci: "It's no problem, i'm happy to help with stuff, it's why I was made."
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/PVTSku8.jpg]Jager Leyline[/url]: "Made?"
Luci: "Dad's well, not a normal person, he can procreate a number of ways, not just sex."
: [url=http://images5.fanpop.com/image/answers/2760000/2760271_1338686401929.38res_250_300.jpg]Literally Satan[/url]: "Like how he makes demon bodies."
: Whoops
Luci: "I was 'made' yes, in the same way you and fellby were, except I didn't die, i'm his daughter and his right hand man, because we know he'll never be able to run this pool on his own."
Luci: "...Well not 'you' and fellby."
Luci: "Sorry, i've been up for a while, my words are jumbled."
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/PVTSku8.jpg]Jager Leyline[/url]: "You should get some sleep then
Luci: "Nah, i'm a high-level demon, my body can keep running for weeks. And i've got a job to makre sure he doesn't bust out randomly.
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/PVTSku8.jpg]Jager Leyline[/url]: "He s depowered isn't he?
: swood [] joined chat.
Luci: "He's about as physically strong as a normal body now, which is still pretty strong considering he's Vidar."
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/PVTSku8.jpg]Jager Leyline[/url]: "Stronger than me then"
Luci: "He's depowered, yes, which just means he's lost all the demon knick-knacks, when he comes back to his right mind i'll try to coax dad into atleast giving him his strength then."
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/PVTSku8.jpg]VÃðarr Leyline[/url]: -is still tearing up the room-
Luci: She makes a mental note to go in there and clean up later.
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/PVTSku8.jpg]Jager Leyline[/url]: "....how's your father doing?"
Luci: "..."
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/PVTSku8.jpg]Jager Leyline[/url]: "that bad?"
Luci: She sighs, and shrugs. "He's hit hard by things."
Luci: "He makes it seem like insults and wors don't hurt him."
Luci: "But even with his age that stuff occasionally sends him into a little spiral."
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/PVTSku8.jpg]Jager Leyline[/url]: "Its hard to imagine things can.....an all powerful being in charge of whats suppose to be the worst place in existence
Luci: "He left last night to go 'fix a few things', he does this every now and then, he'll be back once he's cooled off."
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/PVTSku8.jpg]Jager Leyline[/url]: "....my father....was a terrible man.....yet I spent years of my life trying to make him happy"
Luci: She nods. "Thhat's pretty big down here...lots of hell isn't bad people, just people that couldn't get into heaven for their shitty circumstances."
Luci: "Dad used to eb a lot stricter, like, full bible, bu he mellowed out eventually, stopped with the torment fields and the like."
: swood [] disconnected.
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/PVTSku8.jpg]Jager Leyline[/url]: "He was drunk that took out my mother's death on me...no matter what I did....get good grades......take care of the house....just...tried to make him smile or laugh.....by playing the fool....making dumb jokes
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/PVTSku8.jpg]Jager Leyline[/url]: "It was never good enough.....and he just got worse and worse by each day..."
Luci: She nods.
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/PVTSku8.jpg]Jager Leyline[/url]: "an artillery shell brought that to an end...and even when I joined up with the merc band, I still wanted to make everyone happy, or help them in a manner
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/PVTSku8.jpg]Jager Leyline[/url]: "opened my mouth too much....always had to make a poin
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/PVTSku8.jpg]Jager Leyline[/url]: point*
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/PVTSku8.jpg]Jager Leyline[/url]: "Guess....Vidarr got that need to make a point"
Luci: She shrugs. "I don't think anyone's in the right here."
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/PVTSku8.jpg]Jager Leyline[/url]: "Story of my life......." he looks at Luci, "Hows he been?...Satan I mean....as your father"
Luci: "We're demons, we're self-sufficient, mostly."
Luci: "He's never had to really take care of me, but he's been nice either way."
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/PVTSku8.jpg]Jager Leyline[/url]: "You guys get along well though? Hang out and do stuff? :
Luci: "Yeah, when neither of us are really working."
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/PVTSku8.jpg]Jager Leyline[/url]: "Thats good....Being a father has been great, though I wish Emiko hadn't grown up so fast"
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/PVTSku8.jpg]VÃðarr Leyline[/url]: -throws the food at the glass-
Luci: She sighs.
Luci: "You're supposed to eat that, I don't put that food in there as a projectile.
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/PVTSku8.jpg]Jager Leyline[/url]: "Hes not gonna starve in there is he?"
Luci: "I'll hold him down and forcefeed him if he doesn't eat it."
: chuckles, "Bet he'd like that"
Luci: She smirks.
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/PVTSku8.jpg]Jager Leyline[/url]: ".....do you know where your dad is at?"
Luci: "The Sea of Gehenna."
Luci: "I don't know what he's doing there, but I always know where he is."
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/PVTSku8.jpg]Jager Leyline[/url]: "Mind getting me there?"
Luci: "Nope."
Luci: "Sorry big guy, but dad's cooling off."
Luci: "And there's probably a reason he went out to the giant isolate hell ocean that noone's been in since Leviathan went down."
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/PVTSku8.jpg]Jager Leyline[/url]: "Well just.....tell him I'm sorry next time you see time"
Luci: "Yeah, I get it."
Luci: "I didn't think we'd be using the eastern labs again for a while."
Luci: "This place was made to put really old demons, like Asmodeus, that were a threat to others but still respected and needed humane treatment."
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/PVTSku8.jpg]Jager Leyline[/url]: ".....would have figured hell would have a number of labs being used for less than ideal usage....also I don't think Vidarr is respected
Luci: "Hell's got a lot of labs, but most of them are ust labs on how to make sex demons sex better, and useless crap like that."
: Frisky Whiskington [] joined chat.
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/PVTSku8.jpg]Jager Leyline[/url]: "yeah the sex thing.....funny thats a big thing here yet never see Satan apart of it
Luci: She shrugs. "Satan's kind of technically every single demon's father."
: ((Satan's the sugar daddy of all the demons
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/PVTSku8.jpg]Jager Leyline[/url]: "And leechin off of him
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/PVTSku8.jpg]Jager Leyline[/url]: "....hey I need to look for someone
: get up and heads for the door, "I'll see you around"
Luci: "See you."
: heads back to Vidarr's condo, "Frisk?"
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/ByF7uur.png]Frisk[/url]: Void.
: The Killswitch [] joined chat.
: goes and grabs Gaster's Lab coat and puts it on, Vidarr didn't really have anything for winter being a daemon. He walks over and puts his hand into the void
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/ByF7uur.png]Frisk[/url]: It's frigid cold, but not as cold as before, the labcoat seems to be doing...something.
: takes a deep breath and puts his head and looks around
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/ByF7uur.png]Frisk[/url]: It's a...room, with a large half-finished machine sitting in the center, journals line the walls on desks.
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/ByF7uur.png]Frisk[/url]: Looks like another lab.
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/ByF7uur.png]Frisk[/url]: Frisk isn't here.
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/ByF7uur.png]Frisk[/url]: That bodily reanimation machine is only half-finished, its intended purpose is to, instead of using the soul, to,
: walks on through the void and enters the lab and shutters, "I hate teleporting....Frisk?"
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/ByF7uur.png]Frisk[/url]: Roll back the brain to a previous state, and restart the heart.
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/ByF7uur.png]Frisk[/url]: Silence.
: Frisky Whiskington's connection timed out.
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/ByF7uur.png]Frisk[/url]: Time here is...wonky.
: Frisky Whiskington [] joined chat.
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/ByF7uur.png]Frisk[/url]: Jagers sense of time is flipping out, what is actually five minutes is feeling like seconds, or sometimes what is two seconds is feeling like five minutes.
: walks away distorted, "Frisk?"
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/ByF7uur.png]Frisk[/url]: He can see a visible afterimage of himself entering the void, as well as any future events of him entering the void, but his alternate selves don't notice him.
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/PVTSku8.jpg]Jager Leyline[/url]: "Whoa....freaky
: looks for a pen and pad
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/ByF7uur.png]Frisk[/url]: There's a few old pens on a table.
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/ByF7uur.png]Frisk[/url]: With a few scraps of paper, some notes in the margins.
: The Killswitch's connection timed out.
: grabs a pen and writes on a sheet, "Frisk, its Jager. Satan tried to bring back Vidarr. Something is wrong though, he is like a feral creature now. He is being held at the Eastern labs. Check on him if you can. Also, if you need help, come talk to me"
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/ByF7uur.png]Frisk[/url]: The void is silent.
: puts the pen down and heads to leave
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/ByF7uur.png]Frisk[/url]: Frisk is like BC, but instead of being seeing everything, they see through the eyes of millions of alternate versions of themself all stuck in different timeframes.
: heads out and takes off the coat, putting it back. He sits on the couch and turns of the TV, watching Hell TV
: Frisky Whiskington's connection timed out.
Pleinair: "..."
Pleinair: It's still good.
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/PVTSku8.jpg]Jager Leyline[/url]: "..." stare at Pleinair, "to think, if Vidarr was here, he'd be hitting on you right now...even though youre in a TV and couldn't even hear him
Pleinair: "..."
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/PVTSku8.jpg]Jager Leyline[/url]: "...
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/PVTSku8.jpg]Jager Leyline[/url]: [Akane, are you awake?]
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/PVTSku8.jpg]Jager Leyline[/url]: "Any good advice Pleinair?"
Pleinair: [sub]"There's hundreds of ways to fix the world."[/sub]
: does a double take and stare at Pleinair, "Wait did you just talk!?"
Pleinair: "..."
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/PVTSku8.jpg]Jager Leyline[/url]: "No! I just heard you! I know you can talk now"
: The Killswitch [] joined chat.
Pleinair: "..."
: ((PLeinair shoots Jager
: [url=https://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/gtawiki/images/b/bd/BigSmoke-GTASA.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20100105192204 ]Big Smoke[/url]: He's in the bar
: gets up and heads to the bar, "Forgot hell TV was torture
: [url=https://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/gtawiki/images/b/bd/BigSmoke-GTASA.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20100105192204 ]Big Smoke[/url]: He waves to the goat man
: looks at the man, "uhhh, hi"
: The Killswitch's connection timed out.
: AquaBlue313 [Aqua] joined chat.
: AquaBlue313's connection timed out.
: Frisky Whiskington [] joined chat.
: Frisky Whiskington's connection timed out.
: The Killswitch [] joined chat.
: Frisky Whiskington [] joined chat.
: Frisky Whiskington's connection timed out.
: The Killswitch's connection timed out.
: Frisky Whiskington [] joined chat.
: Socially-Inept Bread [] joined chat.
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/PVTSku8.jpg]Jager Leyline[/url]: heu
: The Killswitch [] joined chat.
Azzy: ((hi :3))
: Hi
Azzy: ((*purrs*))
: *hugs*
: Socially-Inept Bread's connection timed out.
Azzy: ((*hugs back*))
: Socially-Inept Bread [] joined chat.
: Frisky Whiskington's connection timed out.
: Socially-Inept Bread's connection timed out.
: Frisky Whiskington [] joined chat.
: Obscure Hunter (ÚltIMa647) [] joined chat.
: (ayy)
Azzy: ((hi))
: Frisky Whiskington's connection timed out.
: Socially-Inept Bread [] joined chat.
: Socially-Inept Bread's connection timed out.
: ([url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7hPtc1WIIg]I have found white heaven[/url])
: Socially-Inept Bread [] joined chat.
: Socially-Inept Bread's connection timed out.
: Frisky Whiskington [] joined chat.
: Socially-Inept Bread [] joined chat.
: The Killswitch's connection timed out.
: Frisky Whiskington's connection timed out.
: Socially-Inept Bread's connection timed out.
: Frisky Whiskington [] joined chat.
: The Killswitch [] joined chat.
: Socially-Inept Bread [] joined chat.
: Socially-Inept Bread's connection timed out.
: Frisky Whiskington's connection timed out.
: The Killswitch's connection timed out.
: Frisky Whiskington [] joined chat.
: Socially-Inept Bread [] joined chat.
: Socially-Inept Bread's connection timed out.
: Frisky Whiskington's connection timed out.
: Socially-Inept Bread [] joined chat.
: I've all
: All this fucking tf2 metal
: And no idea what to actually use it for
: Buy shit
: How much metal do you have?
: 19 Ref
: I think atm I have like... 6 keys and 200 something pure metal
: ((Oh, huh.
: ((I miss the days when 19 ref
: ((Was a lot
: ((Sure but
: Really, is it a surprise that keys are worth much more ref and ref is cheaper
: ((I'm probably just gonna bite it and buy some keys
: Keys are worth 28.88 ref atm iirc
: ((I'm gonna buy some keys, and then just windowshop a nice cosmetic set
: Jäger Leyline [] disconnected.
: ((And then just unbox shit
: Jäger Leyline [] joined chat.
: At least unbox a crate with the smallest chance for disappointment
: ((My old acc has my bills and shit
: ((I want my purple bills hat
: ((Right, you lost your old account, didn't you.
: ((What happened to it again? Did someone like, get into it?
: ((I came home from vacation
: ((And it was locked
: ((I still know all the info to it and everything but I can't get it unlocked
: What's the account?
: Like the URL or name
: guch0714
: And don't cringe at this name
: [Bong]PrinnySodaBoop
: I was young
: Hey
: You gotta realize
: That the actual fucking username I used to use for everything
: Was Kingsonicmario
: The [bong] is cause I was admin on a server called Gravity Bong
: I'm gonna try one last time to get it unlocked
: And if it works i'm trading all my shit over and abandoning it
: ((I can't find it
: Jäger Leyline [] disconnected.
: ((wait did we make this steam group
: ((Also have fun with a 7 day trade hold
: The Killswitch [] joined chat.
: ((Since you probably don't have 2-factor on that account
: ((15 day trade hold
: ((Steam 2fa is cancer
: Shut you're right
: Shit*
: ((You can get around a whole 15 days by setting up the Authenticator and then waiting the period it tells you too
: ((It's shorter than 15 days
: ((Which begs the fucking question
: ((Why the hell isnt it just that time I'm the first place
: ((Its got 2fa
: ((And it's on a phone I don't have
: ((Because it's an anroid emulator on an old PC
: ((Why
: ((I mean you kinda asked for that to happen
: The Killswitch's connection timed out.
: ((How much have you tried getting steam's attention
: Laharl/Entropy (Green Edition)'s connection timed out.
: Obscure Hunter (ÚltIMa647)'s connection timed out.
: Sig [Sig] disconnected.
: Laharl/Entropy (Green Edition) [] joined chat.
: Okay so
: I went through a fuckton of work
: But managed to finally get into the acc
: And send a support help
: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198043384643/inventory/#440
: Yay
: Found my old inventory
: CryingEevee524 [CryingEevee OOC] joined chat.
: I was a scout main
: covered in purple dye
: Don't worry
: I'm a pyro main covered in horns
: Purple painted bigg mann on campus
: purple painted planeswalker goggles
: purple painted bills hat
: A purple scattergun skin
: strange critacola
: fuck me
: strange soda popper
: Only thing I was missing was a strange atomizer or something
: But that's not purple
CryingEevee OOC: ((but did you have purple pants like blue from firered/leafgreen))
: Holy shit did I actually fucking
: Name tag my scattergun
: "Purple Rose"
: Jesus christ
: ((And your genuine print machete and shit
: I will admit
: I bought disgaea PC for the prinny machete
: On both of my accounts
: ((Don't worry
: ((Most people did
: Disgaea PC is a terrible port
: Of an amazing game
CryingEevee OOC: ((what's so terrible about it))
: ((At least you've played it though. The game, just in general
: ((Most people only even know of it cause the TF2 items
: ((Okay, CE, the disgaea PC port
CryingEevee OOC: ((the one thing you really didn't have though laharl is taunts))
: ((They fucked up and accidently made the controls way over sensitive
: ((Like, pressing Enter would press it five times
: ((Which is bad in a turn based strategy full of menus
CryingEevee OOC: ((i don't remember it being that bad when i played it))
: Oh god I remember my golden gibus
: And the dyed pirate hat/alien swarm hat
: I have an edgy sniper loadout
: CryingEevee524 [CryingEevee OOC] disconnected.
: Cold killer, Team Spirit Bruiser's Bandana, and the... the winter jacket for the sniper, I forgot the name of it.
: 0/10 No Anger
: It's not that edgy
: Socially-Inept Bread's connection timed out.
: AquaBlue313 [Aqua] joined chat.
: AquaBlue313's connection timed out.
: The Killswitch [] joined chat.
: The Killswitch's connection timed out.
: Socially-Inept Bread [] joined chat.
: Socially-Inept Bread's connection timed out.
: Frisky Whiskington [] joined chat.
: yonkers [] joined chat.
: yonkers [] disconnected.
: Frisky Whiskington's connection timed out.
: Sig [Sig] joined chat.
: Sig [Sig] disconnected.
: Socially-Inept Bread [] joined chat.
: Obscure Hunter (ÚltIMa647) [] joined chat.
: (ayy)
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] Hi
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] I have a friend over
: (nice)
: Cool cool
: Socially-Inept Bread's connection timed out.
: (i've been playing a lot of team kirby clash deluxe)
: The Killswitch [] joined chat.
: Socially-Inept Bread [] joined chat.
: ((Greetings from a dorm in another state
: (Hello person in a dorm in another state)
: Eyyyyyy
: Is your internet
: Good now?
: ([s]breb you ruined it[/s])
: The Killswitch's connection timed out.
: Socially-Inept Bread's connection timed out.
: CryingEevee524 [CryingEevee OOC] joined chat.
: Socially-Inept Bread [] joined chat.
: The Killswitch [] joined chat.
CryingEevee OOC: ((meme))
: My internet is 1mps and ping of 16
: 1mps?
: 16 ping is good
: (noice)
: Mbps
: Ah
: So my downloads are shit
: But uploads are better for some reason
: Well
: Downloads are pretty damn good compared to 100kbps
: ((By this means you don't have shitty online play
: yonkers [] joined chat.
: hi
: (ayy)
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/qYxvARE.png]Vengeful Deity's[/url] [url=https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda/images/2/28/Hyrule_Warriors_Mask_Vengeful_Deity_Mask_%28Level_3_Mask%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20160419192957]Mask[/url]: *I assume mask is on a table
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/qYxvARE.png]Vengeful Deity's[/url] [url=https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda/images/2/28/Hyrule_Warriors_Mask_Vengeful_Deity_Mask_%28Level_3_Mask%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20160419192957]Mask[/url]: *If not it is now
: [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/296198933212954624/325003111754235904/IMG_20170615_101927_135.jpg]Madoka[/url]: She walks in.
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/qYxvARE.png]Vengeful Deity's[/url] [url=https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda/images/2/28/Hyrule_Warriors_Mask_Vengeful_Deity_Mask_%28Level_3_Mask%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20160419192957]Mask[/url]: Heyo.
: [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/296198933212954624/325003111754235904/IMG_20170615_101927_135.jpg]Madoka[/url]: "Hey."
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/qYxvARE.png]Vengeful Deity's[/url] [url=https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda/images/2/28/Hyrule_Warriors_Mask_Vengeful_Deity_Mask_%28Level_3_Mask%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20160419192957]Mask[/url]: *It is starts to float around
: (It starts*)
: I know
: I just played duck game
: It actually works
: Imma download payday
: (i wanna get duck game ;-;)
: ((Play tf2
: (TF2)
: (Yes)
: [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/296198933212954624/325003111754235904/IMG_20170615_101927_135.jpg]Madoka[/url]: "What the fuck."
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/qYxvARE.png]Vengeful Deity's[/url] [url=https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda/images/2/28/Hyrule_Warriors_Mask_Vengeful_Deity_Mask_%28Level_3_Mask%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20160419192957]Mask[/url]: I can float and speak now.
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/qYxvARE.png]Vengeful Deity's[/url] [url=https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda/images/2/28/Hyrule_Warriors_Mask_Vengeful_Deity_Mask_%28Level_3_Mask%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20160419192957]Mask[/url]: Deal with it.
: [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/296198933212954624/325003111754235904/IMG_20170615_101927_135.jpg]Madoka[/url]: "That's really cool."
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/qYxvARE.png]Vengeful Deity's[/url] [url=https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda/images/2/28/Hyrule_Warriors_Mask_Vengeful_Deity_Mask_%28Level_3_Mask%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20160419192957]Mask[/url]: Yup.
: [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/296198933212954624/325003111754235904/IMG_20170615_101927_135.jpg]Madoka[/url]: She sits on the couch.
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/qYxvARE.png]Vengeful Deity's[/url] [url=https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda/images/2/28/Hyrule_Warriors_Mask_Vengeful_Deity_Mask_%28Level_3_Mask%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20160419192957]Mask[/url]: *It just kinda floats around the bar. I should also mention that the mask itself doesn't see to talk, it's like it has a disembodied voice coming from it.
: ((Slarv
: ((Play the tutorial I beg
: ((of what
: Payday 2
: Socially-Inept Bread's connection timed out.
: ((Ok when it gets downloaded
: ((My download speed is still slow
: The Killswitch [] disconnected.
: yonkers [] disconnected.
: The Killswitch [] joined chat.
CryingEevee OOC: ((so))
: (so)
: ((someone made a python code to archive all of a chat's logs
: ((gonna try it out
: (nice)
CryingEevee OOC: (( I invented this incredible cough drop medicine! The side effects include mild coughing.))
CryingEevee OOC: ((i'm on bash.org again))
: (what is bash.org)
CryingEevee OOC: ((it's pretty great. sometimes))
CryingEevee OOC: ((it's a place where people archive funny quotes from irc chats))
: (neat)
CryingEevee OOC: ((stuff like))
CryingEevee OOC: (( it would be funny if i got a serious death threat wtf wait a minute it would be funny if i got a serious death threat no it wouldnt))
CryingEevee OOC: ((that formats terribly here but eh))
: Socially-Inept Bread [] joined chat.
Azzy: ((*nuzzle*))
: *Nuzzle back
: Sig [Sig] joined chat.
CryingEevee OOC: ((i can't see the word "nuzzle" anymore without thinking of the OwO what's this copy pasta))
Female Asriel: She is packing her stuff
Hywel: -Same.*
Female Asriel: She tucks her head in his shoulder
Female Asriel: "How is."
Hywel: "Fanta?"
Hywel: "I was thinking a lot."
Hywel: "Last night."
Hywel: "I don't want to be a demon prostitute anymore."
Hywel: "I think I want to try at being less like how I am right now. More normal."
Hywel: "I think it's hurting my state of mind."
: Laharl/Entropy (Green Edition)'s connection timed out.
Female Asriel: "What?"
Female Asriel: "But.. it's fun, it's our job, it doesn't hurt anything."
Hywel: "I dunno... I don't know. Just. Im feeling bad, and I think that's why."
Female Asriel: "It's something you enjoy, right?"
Hywel: "I thinks
: Think..."*
Female Asriel: "What do you feel bad about?"
Hywel: "I dunno..."
Female Asriel: She sits
Female Asriel: "You gotta think of something."
: Laharl/Entropy (Green Edition) [] joined chat.
Hywel: "What do you mean?"
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/qYxvARE.png]Vengeful Deity's[/url] [url=https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda/images/2/28/Hyrule_Warriors_Mask_Vengeful_Deity_Mask_%28Level_3_Mask%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20160419192957]Mask[/url]: *It's still floating around. It seems bored
: Sig [Sig] disconnected.
Female Asriel: "You gotta put your finger on what's making you sad."
Hywel: "I want to be normal."
Female Asriel: "Why?"
Hywel: -He shrugs.-
Female Asriel: "Did someone say something about you?"
: (i have trapped fierce deity in an infinite cycle of going up and down on a ledge he should probably not be on)
: ((free him
Hywel: "No."
: (It is impossible. He is stuck in the laundry pool back-humping Kafei's door forever)
CryingEevee OOC: ((he is sealed))
: ([s]true origin story of how FD got in the mask confirmed humped door to much[/s])
CryingEevee OOC: ((the real question about the fierce deity mask though))
CryingEevee OOC: ((why does it look like link's face?))
Female Asriel: "Then what's the matter?"
: (good questiob)
Female Asriel: "Nothing's wrong with being different."
: (questio*)
: (more importantly why does the mask look like [i]adult link's[/i] face)
: (because technically if we follow the timeline)
: ((bc termina!link is the fierce deity
: (adult link technically never existed, after being sent back, link just went on to termina to find navi)
: ([s]unless the mask makers can see the future[/s])
CryingEevee OOC: ((is termina canonically another dimension or is that just a fan theory?))
: (I think it's another dimension entirely, or it's just a huge coincidence.)
: (Many think it's Link's purgatory)
: Sean [] joined chat.
: Sean: [color=#7d90cc]Hi[/color]
: (ayy)
CryingEevee OOC: ((ohai))
CryingEevee OOC: ((i don't know what i think of it))
: (i mean the purgatory one has actual evidence behind it)
: (what with the stages of loss)
CryingEevee OOC: ((but i had a thought. there's the keaton mask, and then there's actual keatons in termina))
CryingEevee OOC: ((what would a keaton transformation be like?))
: The Killswitch [] disconnected.
: (*shrug*)
: The Killswitch [] joined chat.
: The Killswitch [] disconnected.
: ((keaton turns you into a furry
CryingEevee OOC: ((well to be fair))
CryingEevee OOC: ((out of all of the transformations that aren't fierce deity, a furry would be the most normal))
CryingEevee OOC: ((compared to the rock, the tree, and the fish))
: (goddamnit link with fox ears and a tail sounds fucking adorable)
CryingEevee OOC: ((three tails, probably))
: (aaaahhh)
: (i need to draw this somehow)
: (then i will rp it)
: (and i will be shameless)
CryingEevee OOC: (([s]give ultima anything majora's mask and he will rp it[/s]))
: ([s]anything zelda/kirby*[/s])
CryingEevee OOC: ((ok but ultimate suggestion))
CryingEevee OOC: ((kirby versions of every zelda thing you've rped))
: (holy)
: ((sword!kirby
: (i will do this now)
CryingEevee OOC: ((what have i done))
: (majoras!kirby will kill the world)
CryingEevee OOC: ((ok, real talk))
CryingEevee OOC: ((in elementary me and my friends had kirby ocs))
CryingEevee OOC: ((mine wore majora's mask))
: (how do you make a kirby oc)
CryingEevee OOC: ((take kirby, give him a color and a permanant power))
CryingEevee OOC: ((boom))
: (neat)
: Sean: [color=#7d90cc]and some kind of artifact[/color]
CryingEevee OOC: ((one of the kirby ocs had a freakin yugioh duel disk iirc))
: ((duel power
CryingEevee OOC: ((ok, immediately after you said that my first thought was blue-eyes white dragon kirby))
: ((blue eyes white kirby
: ([url=http://prntscr.com/fl16n6]hells yeah[/url])
: Sean: [color=#7d90cc]aight i need 3 random objects that don't have easily breakable glass and can be used as weapons, even if rather poorly[/color]
: (spoon)
: (chair)
: (pet)
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] a safety window
: Sean: [color=#7d90cc]how big is a safety window[/color]
CryingEevee OOC: ((skyrim glass sword))
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] like, one of those windows that's on a skyscraper
CryingEevee OOC: (([s]ok so we have blue-eyes white kirby. we need all of the blue-eyes variants[/s]))
: ([s]red eyes black kirby[/s])
CryingEevee OOC: ((blue-eyes alternative white kirby. blue-eyes ultimate white kirby, blue-eyes spirit kirby, deep-eyes white kirby, blue-eyes shining kirby, blue-eyes chaos MAX kirby, blue-eyes twinburst kirby, blue-eyes toon kirby))
Hywel: -He shrugs.-
CryingEevee OOC: ((neo blue-eyes ultimate kirby))
: The Killswitch [] joined chat.
CryingEevee OOC: ((malefic blue-eyes white kirby))
CryingEevee OOC: ((basically, i'm saying there's alot of different blue-eyes variants))
: (that's what happens when you're the most famous card)
Female Asriel: "Do you really not want to do it anymore..?"
: (#everyonewantstobekaiba)
CryingEevee OOC: ((blue-eyes is also a very powerful archetype))
CryingEevee OOC: ((chaos max is also quite the trump card))
CryingEevee OOC: ((...unless someone uses quaking mirror force))
CryingEevee OOC: ((red-eyes is actually pretty sucky save a few cards. i think recently though they added more cards to try to make it viable?))
: (*shrug* I don't follow yu-gi-oh much anymore)
CryingEevee OOC: ((i like yugioh))
: ((I just realized something
CryingEevee OOC: ((what))
: ((Could you use the Skull Heart as a grenade
: (wot)
: ((Just grab it and throw it at someone
: (what is the skull heart)
CryingEevee OOC: ((i don't think it would explode))
Hywel: -He nods.-
CryingEevee OOC: ((the main macguffin of skullgrils))
: (k)
: ((Basically
CryingEevee OOC: ((*skullgrills))
: ((It's an ancient artifact that gives the user a single wish
: ((But only does it for females
: ((And possesses them to turn into a Skullgirl later
: (wow)
: ([s]so girl soul edge[/s])
: ((Which is a very strong monster that raises the dead.
: ((what if my wish was to be a very strong monster that raises the ded
CryingEevee OOC: ((so, when laharl said skull heart my first thought was summoned skull. summoned skull heart))
Female Asriel: "I don't see why.."
CryingEevee OOC: ((in the game, someone HAS wished to become a skullgirl))
Female Asriel: "You can be a normal person, it's something you enjoy doing, it doesn't change who you are."
CryingEevee OOC: ((but, ultimate question))
: ((The skull heart says that it only corrupts you if your wish is selfish
: ((But it really bends the rule on that
CryingEevee OOC: ((what if you wish to become male))
: (what if my wish is to cure cancer)
: ((Also, Marie wished to become a skullgirl
: (cure cancer in all females)
: ((She wanted to use the power to hunt down the Medici mafia
: ((Due to what they did to her and her best friend Patricia (Aka Peacock, later on)
Hywel: "I don't know. Mate. I don't enjoy it."
: ((I know Marie's entire backstory cause I roleplayed her and Squigly once
: ((Not here, I mean, I did RP squigly here
CryingEevee OOC: ((i think aside from marie it was either valentine or parasoul that also wished to be a skullgirl))
: Maybe*
: Not mate
: ((Parasoul I don't remember
CryingEevee OOC: ((i know parasoul made a wish so umbrella couldn't))
: ((But I know her ending is training her little sister to fight so she can defeat her when she turns into a skullgirl
CryingEevee OOC: ((maybe?))
CryingEevee OOC: ((it's been a while))
CryingEevee OOC: ((i sucked at skullgirls))
Female Asriel: "I just don't see what the problem is."
: (hue)
Hywel: "I don't either like
Female Asriel: "What triggered this?"
Hywel: "Is not sure."
: ((I'm a squigly main
: ((Which in better terminology
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/qYxvARE.png]Vengeful Deity's[/url] [url=https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda/images/2/28/Hyrule_Warriors_Mask_Vengeful_Deity_Mask_%28Level_3_Mask%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20160419192957]Mask[/url]: Ehhhhhh.
Female Asriel: She hugs him
: (I haven't played skullgirls at all)
: ((For slar's reference
Female Asriel: "Maybe you're just feeling bad. Give it time, you don't have to go in when we get back."
: ((Mix Bowser-esque neutral game with megaman projectile gimmick and a Link grab
: ((And a few stupid as fuck aerials that hit like wii fit trainer with a chaingun
: ((So mid tier
: he "Okay..."
: ((And every single attack she swings hits multiple times
: ((And chains into every other attack
Female Asriel: "You're not normal, but that's not bad. None of us are."
: ((But it doesn't matter cause all you're gonna do is chain Heavy Kick into Flying Dragon into Cremation and finish off the combo with Daisy Pusher
: The Killswitch's connection timed out.
: Laharl/Entropy (Green Edition)'s connection timed out.
: Sean's connection timed out.
: Socially-Inept Bread's connection timed out.
: Obscure Hunter (ÚltIMa647)'s connection timed out.
: Fellby's connection timed out.
: Sean [] joined chat.
: The Killswitch [] joined chat.
: Fellby [] joined chat.
: Obscure Hunter (ÚltIMa647) [] joined chat.
: Laharl/Entropy (Green Edition) [] joined chat.
: The Killswitch [] disconnected.
: ((And any char with a projectile can spam it to win
: Socially-Inept Bread [] joined chat.
: ((Cause she entirely relies on getting a grab
: (are we live)
: Sean [] disconnected.
: (parp are you live)
CryingEevee OOC: ((back when i played i played r-fortune and eliza))
: (oh jeez)
Hywel: "I don't wanna be not normal though."
: ((And if you're good enough to utilize her gimmick, you probably should just go play valentine or eliza instead
: (parp)
: Obscure Hunter (ÚltIMa647) [] disconnected.
: ((And none of it matters
: Socially-Inept Bread's connection timed out.
: CryingEevee524's connection timed out.
: Fellby's connection timed out.
: Bar!Chara's connection timed out.
: Laharl/Entropy (Green Edition)'s connection timed out.
: Bar!Chara [Barchar] joined chat.
: CryingEevee524 [CryingEevee OOC] joined chat.
: Fellby [] joined chat.
: Laharl/Entropy (Green Edition) [] joined chat.
: The Killswitch [] joined chat.
: Socially-Inept Bread [] joined chat.
: The Killswitch [] disconnected.
: ((That was scheduled mantienen e
: The Killswitch [] joined chat.
CryingEevee OOC: ((test))
CryingEevee OOC: ((ohey))
CryingEevee OOC: ((looks like it's over))
: The Killswitch's connection timed out.
: Obscure Hunter (ÚltIMa647) [] joined chat.
: (are we live)
: (cool)
: The Killswitch [] joined chat.
: Sig [Sig] joined chat.
: (2 more things i learned about 3D Fierce Deity: [br]1: If you walk off of the platform behind the clocktown owl, he just clips through the floor when he tries to grab onto the ledge.[br]2: Redeads/Gibdos hug FD's chest instead of climbing his face. [s]Purple Nurple's anyone?[/s])
: The Killswitch's connection timed out.
: (any interesting ideas i should do wtih FD)
CryingEevee OOC: ((¯\_(ツ)_/¯))
: (imma go see the pirates)
: (why does FD just let himself get thrown out)
: (he's twice the size of them)
: Landorus [] joined chat.
: (they do not stay down at all when you stab them as FD)
: (also ayy)
: [url=https://blackadventurescomic.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/landorus-ghost-trick.png]Landorus:[/url] hi
: (oh my lord when you try to go up a ladder he just looks at it shaking his head like "nope to big man")
: The Killswitch [] joined chat.
: The Killswitch [] disconnected.
: is in the bar.
: The Killswitch [] joined chat.
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/qYxvARE.png]Vengeful Deity's[/url] [url=https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda/images/2/28/Hyrule_Warriors_Mask_Vengeful_Deity_Mask_%28Level_3_Mask%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20160419192957]Mask[/url]: *Mask is floating around
Female Asriel: "But I'm not normal.."
Hywel: "I don't care if you aren't normal."
: [url=https://blackadventurescomic.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/landorus-ghost-trick.png]Landorus:[/url] They wake up, check their phone, and groan.
: [url=https://blackadventurescomic.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/landorus-ghost-trick.png]Landorus:[/url] "I have to go."
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/qYxvARE.png]Vengeful Deity's[/url] [url=https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda/images/2/28/Hyrule_Warriors_Mask_Vengeful_Deity_Mask_%28Level_3_Mask%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20160419192957]Mask[/url]: Bye cloud person.
Female Asriel: "Then why do you care if you're not normal?"
Female Asriel: "Normal is boring."
: [url=https://blackadventurescomic.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/landorus-ghost-trick.png]Landorus:[/url] They leave.
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] "Bye"
Hywel: "I just... I dunno."
: Landorus [] is now Schyro [].
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/qYxvARE.png]Vengeful Deity's[/url] [url=https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda/images/2/28/Hyrule_Warriors_Mask_Vengeful_Deity_Mask_%28Level_3_Mask%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20160419192957]Mask[/url]: *It wonders if it can drink chateau romani
Female Asriel: "What we have now is good.. it doesn't matter if it's weird, weirdness is what makes it fun.."
: [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/243914457489604609/243940124260302848/IMG_1548.JPG]Schyro:[/url] He enters the bar.
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/qYxvARE.png]Vengeful Deity's[/url] [url=https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda/images/2/28/Hyrule_Warriors_Mask_Vengeful_Deity_Mask_%28Level_3_Mask%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20160419192957]Mask[/url]: Hello robot man.
Hywel: -He whimpersxa
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] He's mentally preparing himself for teenager Wisp. "Hi Schyro."
: [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/244654097490378753/277643141404950528/image.jpg]Willo[/url]: He's following, though appears as a teenager.
: [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/243914457489604609/243940124260302848/IMG_1548.JPG]Schyro:[/url] "Hhello."
: [url=https://images.discordapp.net/attachments/247576948128088065/277961376360693760/20170205_193839.jpg?width=262&height=469]Wisp[/url]: They close the anydoor, just to kick it open.
: [url=https://images.discordapp.net/attachments/247576948128088065/277961376360693760/20170205_193839.jpg?width=262&height=469]Wisp[/url]: "DADS HOLY FUCK"
: [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/243914457489604609/243940124260302848/IMG_1548.JPG]Schyro:[/url] "!"
: [url=https://images.discordapp.net/attachments/247576948128088065/277961376360693760/20170205_193839.jpg?width=262&height=469]Wisp[/url]: "Hi."
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] "...."
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/qYxvARE.png]Vengeful Deity's[/url] [url=https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda/images/2/28/Hyrule_Warriors_Mask_Vengeful_Deity_Mask_%28Level_3_Mask%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20160419192957]Mask[/url]: ...Ow.
: [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/244654097490378753/277643141404950528/image.jpg]Willo[/url]: "Hi."
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] "You're teenagers, oh my god."
: [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/244654097490378753/277643141404950528/image.jpg]Willo[/url]: "Dad, dad, I gotta show you something me and other dad made!"
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] "Yeah?"
Female Asriel: "If you really want to stop.. I'll go with you."
Female Asriel: "Is it because of me..?"
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] He looks to Willo.
Hywel: "It isn't."
: [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/244654097490378753/277643141404950528/image.jpg]Willo[/url]: He pulls a toy plane from Schyro's hair, it's a futuristic fighter jet replica to the missiles and all.
: [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/e57359dda438a85d295703f0a1e35c46/tumblr_nz4ul0uxM91um5woio1_1280.png]Fell[/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/2r7W4yw.png]by:[/url] "Ooooh! Nice!"
: [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/244654097490378753/277643141404950528/image.jpg]Willo[/url]: "I know, right!"
: [url=http://i.imgur.com/qYxvARE.png]Vengeful Deity's[/url] [url=https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda/images/2/28/Hyrule_Warriors_Mask_Vengeful_Deity_Mask_%28Level_3_Mask%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20160419192957]Mask[/url]: *Zoooom
: [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/243914457489604609/243940124260302848/IMG_1548.JPG]Schyro:[/url] "Wwe worked on it for a whhile, so, I'm glad you thhink it's good."
: smiles.
: [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/243914457489604609/243940124260302848/IMG_1548.JPG]Schyro:[/url] He smiles back.
Hywel: "I'm just thinking it's unhealthy at this point..."
: [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/244654097490378753/277643141404950528/image.jpg]Willo[/url]: He smiles as well.
: [url=https://images.discordapp.net/attachments/247576948128088065/277961376360693760/20170205_193839.jpg?width=262&height=469]Wisp[/url]: "I found out how to make a bonfire."
Hywel: "Like... now, I'm not directly comparing the two here, but, being high, you've told me, feels nice... but it's harmful."
Hywel: "I think doing it all the time feels nice, but I think it's also harmful."
: The Killswitch's connection timed out.
: Laharl/Entropy (Green Edition)'s connection timed out.